Preference: Teacher AU | Sherlock

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Summary: You know when teachers like each other? It's basically that, except you're the teachers. And you kiss.

QOTP: If you were a teacher, what would you teach?

Word Count: 1371

Jim -
The psychopathic History professor and the shy Calculus professor

You're in your classroom ten minutes before any of your students are supposed to show up. Shuffling through papers on your desk, you suddenly hear the sound of your door closing.

"Hello, Professor Y/L/N."

A man enters, walking slowly toward your desk. You recognize him instantly and your face heats up, for you find him extremely attractive.

"P-Professor Moriarty," you stutter out, unable to look him in the eyes. He chuckles at this, finally reaching your desk. It's silent, so you look up; he's looking at you expectantly. You swallow. "Can-Can I help you?"

"Well..." he trails off, smirking. You, somehow, blush harder and look back down at your hands, which are rested on the desk. After a few seconds, you feel something on your hand. He's rested his hand on yours. Your breath hitches.

"You're very... intriguing, Professor," he says, apparently closer; you can feel his breath. Almost sheepishly, you glance up at him. Your heart beating quickly, your cheeks insurmountably red, and your breathing fast, you're unable to move as he leans forward and presses his lips to yours. It's slow, but too short for your liking.

He pulls away as students flood in, some catching just the last second of the kiss. You watch numbly as he lets go of your hand, chuckles at your tomato-red face, then walks out of the classroom.

"Professor?" a student asks; you're frozen at your desk. You jump, then immediately take off after him. He's about a hundred meters away from your classroom door. Your previous shock forgotten, you run to catch up.

"Hey!" you shout. He calmly turns and you're vaguely aware that you're alone.

He stands and waits for you to reach him. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah," you reply before crashing your lips to his. To your surprise and joy, he seems shocked, but he almost immediately kisses back.

And it's over all too soon for him.

"I've got a class, Professor," you say, "but I think I'd like to continue our... meeting."

John -
The fun Spanish teacher and the nervous Anatomy teacher

You're in the middle of teaching a Spanish 1 class conjugation when you receive a text:

'Sorry to bother you, but I've got an exchange student and I can't speak Spanish. - J.H.'

You chuckle to yourself, then tell your class you'll be out for a bit. The teacher across the hall agreed to make sure the class didn't get too loud.

Quickly, you make your way upstairs to the Anatomy teacher's classroom. With a quick tap on the door, you walk in to a relived John Watson.

"Hi, um, thank you," he says nervously. "She's-She's sitting in the back corner over there..."

You walk over to the girl he indicated as he continues the lesson. "Hola. ¿Cómo te llamas?"

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