Preference: The Greatest Showman Song | Marvel

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Only doing some of the characters because there's eleven songs on this soundtrack and two of them are reprises. Also, I love this movie more than anything in the world.

Summary: Your song from The Greatest Showman.

QOTP: Have you seen The Greatest Showman?

Word Count: 5229

Bruce - This is Me
I'm not a stranger to the dark. "Hide away, " they say, "'cause we don't want your broken parts." I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars. "Run away," they say, "no one will love you as you are."

"I'm a literal monster," he says. In the dead of the night, it's silent, but for him. You shake your head, wrapping your arms around him.

"No, you're not." It's a fact; that's how you said it. You're trying to get it through his head, but it's not sticking.

"Y/N, I hurt people-"

"Plenty of people have hurt people, but-"

"Not like this. Any moment, I could snap. I... I could hurt you... And you know what they say. They're right. I'm dangerous."

But I won't let them break me down to dust. I know that there's a place for us, for we are glorious. When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I'm meant to be. This is me.

You let go of him, only to place your hands on his shoulders, looking him directly in the eye. The suddenness of it all stuns him into silence.

"Bruce, listen to me," you say. "You cannot live like this forever; afraid of yourself and the other guy. You are not dangerous. The other guy? Yeah. But there is a big difference between you and him. And I am not afraid of either of you. When he decides to show up unannounced, I will be there. I promise."

Look out 'cause here I come, and I'm marching on to the beat I drum. I'm not scared to be seen; I make no apologies. This is me.

Bruce sighs, looks down, then back up you, and he can tell you're ready for an argument. He smiles a little. "You're right."

"Bruce, don't - wait, what?" You stop yourself, having not registered what he said at first. He laughs and pulls you to his chest.

"You're right."

Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away 'cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through the barricades and reaching for the sun. We are warriors - yeah, that's what we've become.

The next day, you went out. And he was a whole different person, only being set back by those that recognized him and moved away in fear.

"You know better than to pay attention to them," you say, looking at back at a woman who had picked up her kid and hurried away. Bruce looks forward. You chuckle. "Besides - you've saved the world twice."

"Well, I didn't do it alone, but yeah, I guess."

And I know that I deserve your love. There's nothing I'm not worthy of. This is me.

Weeks go by, and he begins to believe what you said to him. He begins to believe that he deserves you - to him, the most wonderful person in the world. You're with him for a reason (and vice versa).

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