Punctuation Problems | Josh Dun

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Requested by @SatanicFlamingo

I was literally sitting here laughing at myself over the title I'm such a dork.

Summary: You get your period unexpectedly...

QOTP: Do you have a funny code name for the Red Death?

Word Count: 836

All you wanted to do was watch Moana with Josh and Tyler. You wanted to sing all the parts in all the songs and be happy. That was all.

Your cycle app said it wouldn't start for another two days.

Two days, you thought. I should be okay. You took a calculated risk, but, man, are you bad at math.

Moana just set sail to find Maui [without Pua, which makes me sad] when you feel it. You're cuddled close to Josh, Tyler sitting in the chair a few feet away. You shift a little bit and you know.

Panic sets in and you find yourself wishing Jenna was here, but she had to work. You're alone in this.

You stand, praying that it's not as bad as you think. However, as soon as you hear the shocked noise Josh makes, you know it's that bad.

You can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks, and you're frozen but desperately telling yourself to move. It's completely silent but for Moana saying, "I am Moana of Motunui..."

A few minutes (maybe hours) later, Tyler quietly pauses the movie, spurring Josh to speak. "Y/N..."

"I know," you simply say.


"I just... I'm going to the bathroom." With that, you  manage to speed walk towards the bathroom, your phone, your boyfriend, and Tyler left in the living room.

Josh's living room.

You have nothing. No tampons, no pads, no panty liners, not even a diva cup. What do you do? What can you do? Your pants are ruined.

This is the worst possible thing that could've happened.


Meanwhile, Tyler and Josh are clueless and mostly silent. Josh has no idea what to do. Tyler's just staring at the TV screen, and the picture he paused on is hilarious, but he isn't laughing. Honestly, he's not even looking at it. Finally, he says something. "... Is it on the couch?"

Josh looks down at where you were sitting. "No."

"That's... good."


There's a long pause again, both boys just looking around, waiting for you to come back. After a bit, Josh realizes you aren't. Tyler looks down the hall, towards the bathroom. "Do you think she climbed out the window?"

Josh shakes his head a little, finally able to function normally again... almost. "There's no window in the bathroom."

"Oh..." Tyler thinks for a second about Jenna, and what she usually does about this particular thing, because he has no clue. Then, he gets an idea. "I'm gonna call Jenna."

Josh sighs. "Good idea."


About ten minutes of debating whether you should sit there for the rest of your life or fold up some toilet paper and go out there and face the embarrassment, there's a light knock on the door.

"Y/N?" It's Josh.

You hold your head in your hands, trying not to cry out of sheer embarrassment. "Yes?"

"T-Tyler called Jenna, and... she said we need to get you... stuff."


He hesitates. "Or... other stuff. Sh-She said it depends on what you... want..."

You sigh. "I'll just... deal with it and go, Josh. I-"

"No, I can..." He pauses for a second, trying to get past the awkwardness and word his sentence correctly. "I can... get you whatever you need..."

You think for a moment, too many emotions happening at once, and finally decide. "Just... Can you get me [pads/tampons]?"


"And... -" you sigh, "- underwear? And pants...?"


This is the worst day of your life.


Fifteen minutes later, there's another knock on the door. It's Josh again. "I-I got some stuff from Walmart. And the sweatpants are mine..."

"Thanks," you reply, reaching over to crack the door open. Josh closes his eyes as he hands "stuff" to you, then closes the door.

Ten minutes later, you prepare yourself to walk back into the living room, and, when you do, the movie is still paused, Tyler's gone, and there's a tub of ice cream and spoons on the coffee table next to your phone. Josh is sitting on the couch, trying to act like nothing happened.

You can only stand there for a moment, feeling yourself blush again. "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault," Josh says, trying to be nonchalant.

"It's not on the couch, is it?"


You feel a tiny wave of relief at that, then slowly sit back down next to Josh. "Did you buy the ice cream, too?"

"Jenna said it might help..."

You try for a smile. "Well, she was right."

He laughs a little, then plays the movie and hesitantly wraps an arm around you. By the time Moana finds Maui, all the awkwardness in the air is gone, and you're singing along to You're Welcome.

At least next time, he'll be more prepared.

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