Truth or Dare | Peter Parker

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Prompt #23
Requested by @not-a-losechester

Far From Home comes out this year. We can say that tomorrow.

Summary: It's New Years Eve, and you and your boyfriend Peter are extremely bored. So, you decide to play truth or dare.

QOTP: Truth or dare?

Word Count: 1264

"I've never been more bored in my entire life," you groan, laying on Peter's bed and staring at the bottom of the top bunk with your right arm up for literally no reason.

Peter grunts in response from his position on the floor, despite the fact that he has bunk beds and you're only taking up one of them.

"What time is it?" you ask, finally putting your right arm down with a thud against the comforter.

"11:15," Peter replies.

You sigh. "It's not even midnight yet."

"It wouldn't be so bad if we were actually cool and had plans."

May is out with friends because you both made her go have fun, Ned is away on a family vacation, and MJ didn't want to hang out, leaving you and Peter to figure out something to do.

You couldn't, so here you are.

"We can make plans," you suggest.

Peter sighs. "With who? Everyone's out partying somewhere."

"Why aren't we?"

"'Cause we're good kids who follow the rules."

You sigh, then think for a few minutes. "We could play a game."

There's a long pause. "What game?"

You think for a few minutes, then say the first thing that comes to mind. "Truth or dare?"

Peter's brows furrow. "There's only two of us."

"So? It's New Years; let's be a little adventurous."

He sighs yet again. "Fine."

"Alright, then, Spidey," you say. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, I guess," he answers nonchalantly.

You take a bit to come up with a question. "Uh... What's your favorite color?"

He sits up, then, and looks at you incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"I can't think of anything!" you reply, throwing your hands up.

"I chose dare, then."

"Well, now I have to come up with a dare- wait, I got it!" You grin suspiciously, and it worries Peter. "I dare you to let me use the web shooters."

Every time you've asked Peter, he's said no; he thinks you might break them or something else.

Possibly someone else.

It's a legitimate concern. But you're determined to shoot them once before you die, and, especially being Spiderman's girlfriend, that could literally be at any time.

Peter sighs yet again. "Y/N-"

"Please!" you plead. "Just once!"


"I dared you!" you add.

"My favorite color is red. Now, truth or-"

"No!" you shout. "You took it back! You said dare!" He starts shaking his head, so you say, "I'll buy you a sandwich from Delmar's-"

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