Get Over It | Merlin

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Requested by @Shannon1300

Summary: Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic, and to make matters worse, he's dying. Merlin needs you now more than ever.

QOTP: What would happen in series six if you wrote it?

Word Count: 1980

He tried not to use magic - he really did. You told him not to when he left.

"Merlin, are you sure you have to go?" you'd asked him, on the verge of tears.

He nodded sadly and pulled you to him, hoping this wouldn't be the last time he saw you. "I have to protect Arthur."

You sighed. "I know... Just promise me one thing."

"Of course."

"Don't use magic. Not unless you have no other choice. Because once this is all over, if anyone knows you have magic... If Arthur knows you have magic..."

"I know," he said. "I'll do my best."

He pulled back just far enough to kiss you, then reluctantly let you go. Tears were streaming down your face. "Come back alive, okay? I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I will," he'd said, though he wasn't sure he believed it.

He's thinking back on that conversation now as he and a dying Arthur ride on a horse to Camelot. He can only hope they'll get back in time, but it doesn't seem likely.

Arthur is angry, but Merlin can't really blame him. He's been lying to him since the moment they met. But it was only a matter of time before he found out.

Merlin had tried to stay out of Arthur's line of sight as he fought Mordred's army with magic. There was no other way to defeat them; they were strong and powerful. They would've killed him.

Arthur was fighting Mordred himself, an intense battle that Merlin glanced at often, just to make sure Arthur was alright. He could hear their swords clashing every few seconds.

Someone ran at him as he glanced over, and he just barely managed to use magic to push the guy back and onto the ground. At that moment, Arthur turned avoid a blow from Mordred's sword.

And he saw it.

"Merlin?!" was all he could say in that moment, confusion setting in. He didn't have time to process it before Mordred took the opportunity to drive his sword into Arthur's stomach, a panicked and hurried blow, hoping to end this once and for all.

Arthur had enough time to land a killing blow of his own before he collapsed to the ground.

Merlin sprinted to Arthur, unable to imagine what he'd do if he found him dead.

To his relief, he was still breathing. He looked up at Merlin, clutching his stomach. Merlin couldn't read his expression. "Was that... ? Di-Did you... ?"

Merlin ripped a strip of cloth from his shirt and tied it tightly around Arthur's middle, then picked him up. He started carrying him to the horse across the field. It wasn't theirs, but it would have to do. "Yes, I have magic."

"Th-This whole time? You've been lying to me - t-to everyone - this whole time?" Arthur said. He couldn't believe it. There was no way Merlin had magic - he had to be mistaken.

"Gauis and Y/N know," Merlin said simply.

"And n-neither of them told me? Or my f-father? You never told me?" His anger was rising, and he wished he could've fought his way out of Merlin's arms, but he was too weak.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now