Preference: Twenty One Pilots Song | Criminal Minds

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Spencer's is short and Luke's is long. Whoops.

Summary: Twenty One Pilots song based on your relationship.

QOTP: Do you like Twenty One Pilots?

Word Count: 1313

Derek - Air Catcher
After he and his wife, Savannah, went through a messy divorce, he rejoined the BAU. But most importantly, he decided he would never date again. He had a couple close calls, but for the most part, he stayed strong.

Then, you showed up.

I don't fall slow like I used to. I fall straight down. You've stolen my air catcher that kept me safe and sound.

The moment he saw you, he couldn't breathe for a few seconds. He was completely unprepared, and it caught him off guard. He didn't know what to do.

My parachutes will guide me safely to ground. But now the cord's not working, and I see you staring me down.

He scrambled for anything - any memory of the divorce, any advice Rossi or Garcia had to give - and he came up empty. Nothing could get you off of his mind.

I won't fall in love with falling. I will try to avoid those eyes.

He wasn't even sure he actually liked you - at least, he was trying to convince himself he didn't. Maybe it was the idea of you or the thought of a new relationship. Either way, it had to end.

I was doing fine on my own and there wasn't much I lacked, but you've stolen my air catcher and I don't know if I want it back.

He really was doing fine before you walked into his life. His divorce was over, he and Savannah were starting to get along, and he still had partial custody over his son.

None of that changed after he met you, but there was nothing he could get a grip on to stop himself from falling for you. And after a few weeks, he wasn't so sure it was such a bad thing.

I won't fall in love with falling. I will try to avoid those eyes. But now I'm here to give you words as tools that can destroy my heart.

So, he went for it. He put it all out on the line; he told you about the divorce, he told you about his son, and he told you that, despite his best efforts, he really really liked you. Then, he asked you out.

And you said yes.

Luke - Lovely
Luke's been through a lot in his life - the Army, the Fugitive Task Force, and now the BAU. He's seen a number of harrowing and traumatizing things. And you're fully aware of that.

You say things with your mouth, cobwebs and flies come out. I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow. Luckily I can read your mind - flies and cobwebs unwind.

You often ask him if he's okay, especially after a bad case. And every time, he says he's fine. But you can tell - by his expression, by the way he stares off into space sometimes with a pained look on his face - that he's lying.

They will not take you down. They will not cast you out.

One day, you decide to tell him: You know he's lying, and you're worried about him. He's been distant lately, often not calling or even texting you for weeks at time. At first, you thought he was just busy with cases. But then you remembered how he used to call you every chance he got while he was away, and you knew something was wrong. And now, you're telling him so.

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