Preference: Crossover | All Fandoms

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This is the last preference on Book One, so here's something special for y'all, including the picture of Chris Evans that made me cry when I first saw it

DJ_Tatortot SophisticatedGoat vintage_grace and singtothesky_ are all extremely lovely and helped me out with this!

Summary: Two fandoms switch characters with each other, and you're in the middle of it all.

QOTP: What was your favorite imagine or preference in this book?

Word Count: 19295

Anne With An E / Newsies

Billy - Walking through the middle of New York City in the morning was loud

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Billy -
Walking through the middle of New York City in the morning was loud. Besides the regular crowds of people walking to work, there was the children. The "street rats."

The newsies.

You would stop and buy a paper from the little ones on your way to the shops or your wealthy father's office downtown. They looked absolutely pitiful, looking up at you with those big, pleading, watery eyes. They were starving.

The older ones, however, you never bothered much with. Many of them were known to lie just to sell papers. It was undignified.

There was one boy in particular, however, that decided to use a different tactic one morning.

"Hello, Miss," he said, leaning against a building slightly ahead of you, smirking.

You looked over at him. He had blonde hair, partly covered by a dirty cap, and a bag containing his papers partly over his old clothes. His eyes were bright blue. You looked away. "Hello," you said shortly.

He followed, walking next to you. "Would the pretty lady care for a paper?"

You rolled your eyes. "No, she would not."

"Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully. He was hardly deterred. "Would she rather a date with me, then?"

You stopped, looking at him again. He really was cute, though he still had that playful smirk on his lips. "I don't care for your jokes," you replied, then kept walking.

Suddenly, he was in earnest. "N-No, I ain't jokin', Miss. Honest. You really are very pretty." Out of the many women on the street that morning, he didn't exactly pick you at random...

Despite yourself, you blushed. "I don't even know your name."

He smiled — a genuine one — and it nearly made you melt. "Billy Andrews."

Gilbert -
Medda Larkin's was something of a safe haven for him. He would paint backdrops for her sometimes, so she would let him watch the shows for free, up in the back. It was a small theatre, though, so he could still see the stage pretty well.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now