Preference: Halloween | Twenty One Pilots

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Creds to SquishyMishy02 for Tyler's.

Summary: Halloween with your spooky boyfriend.

QOTP: Are you dressing up this year?

Word Count: 244

Josh -
On Halloween, you go all out. You make your own costumes, and decorate your house so well it looks like an actual haunted house. Small children are often scared to walk to the front porch in order to get candy.

I mean, you're dating Spooky Jim. What did you expect?

A short list of your past costumes include: Harry and Ginny, Danny and Sandy, and Jack and Sally.

This year, you went as Natasha and Clint.

You basically deny Age of Ultron's existence.

Ever year, you throw a massive party, which all of your friends look forward to. You're the king and queen of Halloween.

Like I said, what did you expect?

Tyler -
You don't usually do much on Halloween besides handing out candy. This year, though, you went to Josh's annual Halloween party.

You dressed as a zombie bride and groom, and everyone loved it.

You did, too.

Even though there were holes and tears in the costumes - and some fake blood - it made you think about your future together.

Seeing him in that tux just... made you realize something.

You wanted to marry him.

And the thought scared you, no doubt. But the thought is here now, and it's not going away.

Little do you know, seeing you in that dress made Tyler feel the same way...

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