Preference: Babysitting | Supernatural

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DJ_Tatortot had this idea like five years ago so here it is one of my only non-romantic imagines have fun

Edit: I just realized I asked the exact same question on the Adventures in Babysitting preference I'm so upSET WHY

Summary: You babysit him when he was little. Cuteness ensues.

QOTP: Do you babysit?

Word Count: 770

Cas -
You aren't entirely sure why an angel would need a babysitter...

Until you meet Cas.

"Look, a bee!" he shouts, pointing at it.

You glance over at the insect that may or may not be a bee and sigh. "I see that, Cas."

He turns. "Oh, look another one!" With that, he starts running after it.

You chase after him. "CASTIEL!"

"BEE!" he shouts in response. Or maybe he wasn't talking to you at all. You're not sure.


He stops for a second, gasping. "A PUPPY!" Then, he runs up to it, petting it and telling it how much he loves it.

"Cas!" you shout, catching up to him. "You can't just run up and pet a dog without asking!"

Cas looks up at you, bottom lip jutting out. "But he's so cute!"

You're pretty sure the puppy's a girl considering the pink collar and the name Lily printed on it, but you decide not to correct him. "I know, but you can't do that."

He sighs. "I'm sorry- OH, A BEE!"

And then he's off again.

Dean -
You live with Bobby Singer, which means you get to see the Winchester boys whenever John drops them off. He did this morning, and you've been playing with four-year-old Sam all day. Then, Bobby has to run out to help another hunter and leaves you with the boys.

Sam ends up taking a nap, leaving you with a hungry Dean. You start to make him a grilled cheese when he says, "You're really pretty, Y/N."

You smile, but don't turn around. "Thanks, Dean."

"You're welcome, baby," he says.

You turn and find him smirking. He winks and you suppress a laugh. "And you're eight. Baby."

He frowns. "Well, it was worth a shot."

You laugh. "Just wait 'til you're older."

"Then I can try again?" he asks hopefully.

You shrug. "That or I will never let you live this down."

Jack -
Surprisingly, babysitting Jack is easy. You figured he'd be a handful, but he's been playing in his room most of the time.

You decide to go to check on him, and hear him talking to someone through his cracked door. Confused, you push the door open and find him playing with a moving stuffed lion.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you shout immediately, in shock. Both he and the lion look at you.

"I'm playing with Zach the Lion-" he starts quietly.

You run over and grab the lion. "OH, NO YOU'RE NOT; THIS IS EXACTLY HOW HORROR MOVIES START!"

Jack looks confused. "What do you mean?"

You look at Zach, who looks back at you. "Did you bring him to life?

Jack nods shamefully. "Yes."

You see how sad and guilty he looks and sigh. "How about we go see a movie instead?"

He perks up at that. "Okay."

"Alright," you reply, still holding Zach, "let me just get ready."

Then, you take Zach and kill him with fire.

Sam -
John left you with Sam while he and Dean went out on a hunt. It's been relatively okay so far - at least, as okay as it can be when babysitting a five year old who thinks of you as a sister.

It gets a little crazy, though, when Sam announces he's hungry. After deciding he wants mac and cheese, you start to make it. Then, he shouts joyfully, "PUT CARROTS IN THE MAC AND CHEESE!"

You start to laugh. "Sammy-"

He cuts you off, still shouting. "DEAN PUTS MARSHMALLOWS IN IT, PUT

You laugh again. "Sam, that's gross."

"You're gross," he says, entirely on instinct.

You turn and see that his eyes are wide as he realizes what he said. "Sam-"

"I didn't mean it," he says hurriedly, "I'm so, so, so sorry!"

You chuckle. "I know, Sam-"

"Do you forgive me?" he asks, giving you the cutest puppy dog face you've ever seen.

You smile. "Yes, Sam, I forgive you."

He nods. "Okay, good - NOW PUT MARSHMALLOWS IN THE MAC AND CHEEEEEEESE!" He jumps around as he shouts.

You keep laughing. "How much?"

"A lot," he says immediately.

You snort. "How much is a lot?"

He thinks for a moment. "So many."

"So many?"

"Like, five inches."

"Five inches of marshmallows?"


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