Preference: Food | The Avengers

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Is it bad I'm proud of myself for coming up with this? Also, I found Thor's in another imagine, but I can't remember which one.

Summary: Showing your boyfriend the ridiculous food manufactures have made/named after them.

QOTP: What's your favorite food?

Word Count: 972

Bruce -
Bruce is in his lab, doing a very intricate experiment when he hears you enter the house, shouting excitedly. "Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!"

He drops his tweezers, also dropping a tiny piece of metal in the process. Sighing, he looks up from his microscope and turns to see you in the doorway with a box in your hand.

"Yes, darling?" he asks, a bit annoyed.

However, you don't notice this and hand him the box. "Look what I found in the store."

He grabs the box you're holding out to him and chuckles; Hulk-themed gummies, Lime SMASH flavored.

"Are they any good?" he asks, his previous annoyance forgotten. You shrug, so he opens up the box.

A few seconds later, the both of you are spitting out green gummies into a trash can. "Why did they go with lime?!" Bruce exclaims, his face contorted in disgust.

You wince at the taste. "I don't know. They should've gone with-with watermelon or something."

Bruce grabs the box and throws it in the trash can. "The one time they make something in my name..."

Bucky -
"DUUUUDE!" you exclaim the second you walk in the door. Bucky, who's watching TV, jumps ten feet in the air.

He turns to face you, wide-eyed, "Well, hello to you, too, doll."

He, then, notices you're holding a cup. "What's that?" he asks.

You hand said cup to him. "A Winter Soldier milkshake. Apparently, this is a thing now."

He goes to take a sip, but pauses. "What's in it?"

"Shampoo, angst, and metal," you reply. He glares are you briefly, then drinks the milkshake.

"OH, MY HYDRA THAT IS AMAZING," he exclaims. "It's so pepperminty! Who knew I was this delicious?"

You sigh, mentally face-palming as you watch your boyfriend give himself a brain freeze.

Clint -
You've just gotten back home after a trip to PETCO. You're dog, Y/D/N, runs to the door the second you enter. Laughing, you pet him/her, then try to find Clint.

When you do find him, he's on the couch, watching cartoons.

"CLINT!" you exclaim, making him jump.

He turns around, "Yes?"

"You will never guess what I found at PETCO."

Filled with a sense of foreboding, Clint takes the bag out of your hand, pulls out the dog treats you got for Y/D/N, and finds a small sack of something in the bottom.

"Bird pellets?" Clint asks. "We don't have a bir- Seriously?! I did not condone this!"

He's just found out they're Hawkeye-themed.

"Bird pellets?! Pantene Frosty-Freeze gets a milkshake, the Green Giant gets gummies, and I get bird pellets?!"

He gets up and starts to walk down the hall, muttering something along the lines of "outrage" and "kill Stark".

Pietro -
"Speedy Gonzalez!" you shout, walking in the door. Within half of a second, he's standing in front of you, effectively scaring you to death.

"Yes, my love?"

You'd just gone to the gas station near your apartment for some snacks. Needless to say, you found something Quicksilver-related inside the store.

"Look at this," you say, pulling a blue bottle out of the bag you were holding. He takes it and looks at the label.

"A Quicksilver energy drink?" he asks. "Fastberry? Really?"

"Look at the little slogan," you tell him, holding back laughter.

"The flavour is to die for...

"Is this actually real?"

Steve -
"IT'S A THING, IT'S A THING!" you shout excitedly, running into the house. Steve is watching morning cartoons because he's an actual child. You ran out for coffee twenty minutes ago.

"What's a thing, darling?" Steve asks. You pull a blue bag out of a gas station bag, then hand it to him.

Captain America Cool Ranch Doritos.

"I'm going to kill Stark," Steve says.

You laugh, then hand him the drink you bought him. "Thanks," he says, still staring at the bag.

"I got you an iced americano. Figured you'd like it."

Thor -
"Thor!" you shout, walking in.

The Asgardian in question, wearing regular clothes, comes to meet you at the door. "Hello, angel," he says, using the nickname he's used since he asked Bruce about stuff like that.

"I found something you'll be very happy about," you say, sitting your bag on the table.

His face lights up, "What is it?" You pull a box out of the bag.

Asgardian Apple Pop-Tarts.

"The Tart of Pop? With me on it?" he asks, astonished.

You nod, finding his surprise adorable. "Wanna try one?"

"Yes, of course."

You open the box and hand him one.

"This is the second greatest thing in Midgard!" he shouts. "Another!" And then there's one-third of a Pop-Tart on your floor.

"Second greatest?" you ask. "What's the first?"


Tony -

"TONY, I'VE JUST FOUND A GEM AT THE STORE!" you shout. It takes a minute, but eventually you hear steps on the stairs.

"What? What is it?" he asks, trying to take the bag from you.

You take out a dark red bag. "Whoever came up with this is a genius - Iron Man Nacho Doritos."

"How does that make them a genius?"

And you take out a blue bag.

"Captain America Cool Ranch Doritos. A.K.A your competition. A.K.A. CIVIL WAR."

He sighs, going back to work on his suit. "Why am I with you?"

"Because I make you look good, Tony Stank."

"You do realize you won't be able to make that joke when we get married?"

"Who said anything-"

"I did."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now