Preference: Holding Hands | Harry Potter

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Idoot helped DJ_Tatortot

Summary: Holdin' hands.

QOTP: Cursed Child or Fantastic Beasts?

Word Count: 1258

Draco -
The fact that you and Draco are in a relationship is kind of shocking thing; you don't normally associate with him or his friend group, and everyone just assumed he was with Pansy.

They were wrong.

All of sudden, you were hanging around Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, etc., and Hogwarts was confused. Since when are you friends with them? (As if it's their business.)

You were dating at the time, but you didn't really do couple stuff in front of other people.

Then, one day, you walk in the Great Hall holding hands and the situation changes entirely.

Hogwarts exploded, basically.

You sighed. "Causing a stir is so much fun."

Draco chuckled. "Spoken like a true Slytherin."

Fred -
You met Fred in your first year (his third) on the train. You were looking for a place to sit when he and George ran into you, knocking you over.

After a slew of apologizes and a good amount of laughter and jokes, they said you could sit with them and their friend, Lee. And a friendship was born.

Throughout the next two years, you developed a crush on Fred. And, in a way, you managed to tell them apart. When you looked at Fred, you felt butterflies. When you looked at George, you didn't.

Fred developed a crush on you, too, and George convinced him to go for it. He did, and you started dating, much to the delight of Molly and basically the entire Weasley family.

Then, your seventh year.

He didn't want you to fight, but then again, you didn't want him to fight, either.

So, you fought together. You were scared - terrified at some points - but you were with him, so you managed. You held hands whenever possible, making sure the other was there at all times.

Percy showed up. Fred was teasing him.

There was an explosion.

In the cleared-out Great Hall, amongst other fallen, George Weasley kneels, sobbing, over you and Fred.

You're still holding hands.

George -
You're school shopping with the Weasley's this year. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny are running around together, so that leaves you, Fred, and George together as Molly and Arthur manage to keep track of where their children are.

You want to get ice cream, so Fred and George reluctantly leave the joke shop to go with you because "that's what friends are for".

When you step onto the street, it's crowded. Fred and George start pushing through, but you're afraid you're gonna lose them, so you grab the hand of the twin nearest you - George.

He looks over at you in surprise; that was the last thing he expected. However, he's not complaining. He adjusts his grip on your hand, lacing your fingers together, and leads you through the crowd.

Neither of you let go when you make it to the ice cream shop.

Harry -
Having a boyfriend with an invisibility cloak has its perks.

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