Preference: Cuddling | Sherlock

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Sherlock's was inspired by @HowDULL 's Sherlock cuddling preference in their book Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my!

Also, all the human contact facts came from the internet - - but idk if they're 100% true.

Summary: You, the boys, and cuddling.

QOTP: Eurus or Moriarty?

Word Count: 621

Jim -
Neither of you are big on cuddling. It's not the worst thing in world, not by a long shot. It just isn't a go-to pastime for either of you.

Sometimes, though, it just kinda... happens.

"Do we have to watch Friends again?" Jim complains from his spot on the sofa.

You scoff, making popcorn in the kitchen. "Yes. It's great - and, really, we're not always watching the same thing because there's ten seasons and a bunch of episodes."

"Because we always watch the same three."

"Because those are my favorites!"

"Can we at least watch a different episode?"

You enter the living room and plop down on the couch, setting the popcorn on the coffee table. "Fine. Season ten, episode three."

Jim absentmindedly wraps his arm around you as he uses his free hand to find the episode. "Which one is that?"

You lay your head on his chest. "The One With Ross's Tan."

"That fact that you know that off the top of your head..." Jim mutters, pressing play.

You cuddle up closer to him. "I love Friends!"

"I know," Jim says. "Believe me, I know."

John -
Cuddling is constant for you. It even annoys Sherlock sometimes, especially when you're sitting on the couch.

"Ugh, you two are ridiculous," he complains, walking in the living room.

You and John are on the couch, your arms around his waist, head on his chest, and his arm around your shoulders. You laugh. "Maybe so, but you'd understand if you were in a relationship."

"Even if I was in a relationship, I still wouldn't like... cuddling," he argues. "And, anyway, the only person who's shown interest in me is Molly Hooper. And the Woman. And Janine."

"Well, the second one's obvious," John says, "and you lied to Janine. But there's nothing wrong with Molly Hooper."

"I know. I just don't like her like that."

You shrug. "Then, just be friends. You'll find someone someday, Sherlock. And even if you don't, doesn't matter; you don't need to be in a relationship."

"I know, but then you started cuddling on my couch."

John sighs and stands. "Let's head over to your place to give the princess his privacy."

Sherlock rolls his eyes. "If anything, I'm a queen. Get it right, John."

He won't. He hates it. Which would be fine, but you love it.

It's almost ridiculous; he'd do anything for you - anything - except cuddling. You have to convince him every time.

He's sitting on the couch, texting somebody when you plop down beside him. "Cuddle with me."

He doesn't even look up. "No."

You sigh deeply. "Human contact is important."

His brow quirks, but he still doesn't look up. "Oh, really?"

"Yes. It's a fundamental human need. It promotes trust and security. Hugs lower heart rate and strengthen the immune system, among other things. Also, lonely people tend to take long showers because the warmth of the water mimics the warmth of another human being."

Sherlock pauses and looks up at you. "You take long showers."

"And what can you infer from that, Sherlock?" you ask, arms crossed.

"That I'm a bad boyfriend?"

You hold your hands up. "You said it, not me."

He sighs and wraps an arm around you, then goes back to texting. You lay your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around him. He's starting to think this isn't so bad...

But he'd never tell you that.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now