Preference: Comforting Him | The Stoll Brothers

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Requested by @DorkyFigureSkater

Summary: You comfort him.

QOTP: Connor and Travis or Fred and George?

Word Count: 792

Connor -
Travis is gone.

He's not dead, he's just off at college. Away from camp. And from Connor.

He's been sulking since the moment Travis left. You wanted to talk to him about it, but he's been avoiding everyone lately. You figured he need some time alone, so you kept your distance, but it's been two weeks now and you're getting worried.

Which is why you're standing outside the door to the Hermes cabin, about to knock.

Before you can, the door opens and another Hermes camper walks out - Julia Feingold. She recognizes you, and knows exactly why you're there. "He's in his bunk," she says sadly, heading out.

You walk into the cabin, finding him and a few other campers inside. They glance at you, but aren't surprised to see you there.

Connor's back is to you, so you gently shake his shoulder. He grunts in response. You sit down on his bunk, gently rubbing his back. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," he replies, his voice muffled by his pillow.

You think for a second, trying to figure out how to help him. "Do you want to go to my cabin so you can be alone?"

There's a pause. "Yes."

He slowly climbs out of bed and you make your way to the Poseidon cabin. Your half brothers Percy and Tyson are both away - one at home and one in your Dad's forges - so you've had the cabin to yourself.

When you enter, he flops onto your bunk and curls up in the blankets, turned away from you. You chuckle. "Was there any point in moving if you're just going to lay there?" He only grunts in response. You sigh and sit on the bed next to him. "You can't stay in bed for the next four years."

"I won't," he replies. "I'll get up to get food."


He rolls over and looks up at you, about to cry. "What else am I supposed to do, Y/N?"

Your heart breaks at the look on his face, and you want nothing more than for him to be happy again. So, you lay down next him and wrap your arms around him because it's about all you can do. "Remember that you can still be Connor without Travis."

"I don't know how to be Connor without him," Connor replies, his arms wrapped around you, too. "We did everything together."

"I know," you reply, "and you're gonna have to start doing things on your own - he has to, too. And it's not like you're never gonna see him again."

He sighs. "I know. It's just... hard. I feel lost without him. But I'll try to get used to it."

You smile. "That's the spirit."

He chuckles, kissing you. "Yeah, yeah."

Travis -
You're in the Strawberry Fields when you see him walking towards you from a distance. You recognize him instantly; you've always been able to tell Travis and Connor apart, even before you started dating Travis.

He's almost never not with Connor, and the fact that he isn't right now worries you. You put down your basket of strawberries and meet him halfway. When you get closer, you can see that he's been crying.

"What's wrong?" you ask, immediately enveloping him in a hug.

He rests his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you. "Connor's mad at me."

Your brows furrow as you slowly rub his back. "About what?"

"I don't know!" he half-shouts. "He won't tell me! He was ignoring me, so I asked him why and he just started yelling at me."

"What'd he say?" you ask.

Travis sighs. "That I should know why he's mad. But I don't. I've gone through the past week over and over again in my head, and I've got nothing."

You pull back enough to look at him. "Maybe you should try asking him about it again when he's calmed down."

Travis sighs. "Maybe. I just don't know what I did."

"I don't know, either," you reply, saddened by the helpless look on his face and his puffy eyes. "But I know you'll get through it. You're a package deal - nothing can come between you two."

He chuckles, then kisses you. "Thanks, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."

You kiss him again, and he smiles into it. "I don't know what I'd do without you, either - the both of you. So try talking to him again."

"Will do," Travis replies, walking off. You turn and start to head back to your basket, then you hear him shout, "I love you!"

You laugh. "I love you, too!"

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