Preference: Defending Him | Marauders + Newt

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Requested by @FM-forever

Thanks to @Millymai for all the votes!

ALSO, singtothesky_ has an art book up now with all of her wonderful art in it and it's great just wanted you to know so you can go read it okay? Okay.

Summary: You defend him.

QOTP: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them or The Crimes of Grindelwald?

Word Count: 2083

James -
It finally happened.

Severus had had enough.

James and Sirius were teasing him when he finally lashed out, using Expelliarmus to disarm both boys.

You saw it from across the courtyard.

As you made your way over to them, Severus cast a spell that turned them both upside down and left them dangling in the air. He shouted something.

By this point, Remus and Peter were on their feet. Peter said nothing, but Remus was calmly telling him to let them down.

"Fine," he said (you were within earshot by then).

He let Sirius drop.

Sirius hit the ground hard - thankfully not on his head - but he was okay. Remus helped him up as you arrived.

"Severus, stop!" you shouted. "Put him down!"

"And why should I?" he asked angrily. "He does the same thing to me almost every day!"

"I know he does," you replied sympathetically. "I know he does, and he shouldn't. He's a bully, and you don't deserve the things he and Sirius do to you. But this isn't the answer. You have to be the bigger person - the better person."

"I don't have to do anything," he said.

"Severus, I'm sorry," James said - practically pleaded. Sirius repeated the same sentiment from his position on the ground.

"You only say that so I'll let you down," Severus replied. "You have no idea what I could do to you - the spells that I know!"

"You don't have to use them," you replied. "James is a bully, and he is in the wrong, but he doesn't deserve that. He's young and he's stupid, but he can change. You don't have to hurt him."

"No, I don't have to," Severus said, "but I want to. Have a taste of your own medicine, Potter!"

"Mister Snape!" Professor Kettleburn shouted. He was making his way over. "Put Mister Potter down, now!"

Severus hesitated, then let James drop. Like Sirius, he hit the ground hard, but he was okay. You ran over to him as Kettleburn took Severus away. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he replied, taking your hand. You pulled him up. "I almost wasn't, but then you showed up." He smiled.

"Yeah, well, I hope you learned your lesson," you replied. "I meant what I said."

"I know. And I have."

You looked over at Sirius, who had been deemed alright by Remus, and raised an eyebrow. "And you, Black?"

He nodded.

Suddenly, a new voice joined the conversation - Dumbledore. "Mister Potter, Mister Black - I need to see you in my office."

"Yes, Professor," James said.

"Yes, Professor," Sirius echoed.

Dumbledore turned to you, Remus, and Peter. "Wonderful job diffusing the situation Mister Lupin and Miss Y/L/N. Ten/Twenty [if you're Gryffindor] points to Gryffindor, and ten points to Y/H [if you're not Gryffindor]."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now