Preference: When Their Music Comes on the Car Radio | Twenty One Pilots

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This kinda sucks, so...

Summary: When TØP comes on the radio.

QOTP: Josh or Tyler?

Word Count: 537

Josh -
You're listening to Hits 1, humming along to whatever came on. Josh is driving, but you're on your phone.

Suddenly, your head snaps up. Josh isn't exactly paying attention, but his eardrums just about burst when you turn up the radio.

Immediately, he hears the familiar tune of Stressed Out.

He smiles despite himself, then quickly glances at you as you deliberately make the stupidest gestures and rap horribly.

Josh laughs, the sound ringing throughout the car, clear as a bell. "Don't laugh at me," you jokingly say, punctuating the phrase with a sharp intake of breath, for you are wheezing.

"Try to sell it, never sell out of it. I'd probably only sell one - how does Tyler do this? - my brother, 'cause we have the same..."

By the end of it, you're out of breath.

Josh sighs. "Man, I wish I would've gotten that on video."

Tyler -
You're on tour with them, in the van and heading to the venue. Tyler, Josh, and Mark are all in the back, the latter filming at the time. You're sitting in the shotgun seat, flipping through the radio stations every five seconds, as per usual. As you're trying to find anything good to listen to, something catches your eye. You flip back a few channels, then turn up the radio, causing everyone's ears to be met with the familiar tune of Ride.

"Who is this?" Josh asks.

Tyler suppresses a laugh, adding, "Yeah. I've never heard this before."

"Kinda sucks, actually," Josh says.

Tyler nods in agreement. "This sounds awful. Change the station."

But you're too busy singing to hear him. You rap nearly flawlessly, occasionally stopping to breathe because, somehow, Tyler has three lungs.

Mark's filming you, then Tyler, then back again. You're kind of bobbing your head until you pick up your phone and start scrolling through Twitter - but you never stop singing.

Tyler, however, is only mumbling the lyrics, for most of his attention is locked on you. (Later, when the video was posted, fans were all over Tumblr, posting screen shots of Tyler, the second Heart Eyes Howell.)

Eventually, you look back at him and found him looking at you, which made your brows furrow. Tyler blushes, then looks at Josh.

He's absentmindedly tapping out the beat on his knee, not really paying attention to anything but the highly interesting console his eyes happen to be on.

Mark has the camera positioned to where you and Tyler are both in the frame. "America's cutest couple, according to Buzzfeed," Mark deadpans, then ends it with a short laugh.

(The week before, Buzzfeed had posted an article about your sort-of public relationship, which was more or less expected with their growing fame - and by default, yours.)

The song ends, so you continue flipping through stations again. "Just hook up your phone up to the van," Tyler says, blushing and intentionally ignoring what Mark had said. So, you plug in your phone and play every '80s song you possibly can before you reach the venue.

Needless to say, there's a Buzzfeed article about that video when it's uploaded.

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