Preference: Cute Moment | Marvel

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Idea for Tony's given to me by milessmorales
Idoot gave me Clint's DJ_Tatortot and also Pete's is partly based on one day when we went bowling it was gr8

There are NO Endgame SPOILERS.

Summary: A cute moment between you.

QOTP: Captain America or Captain Marvel?

Word Count: 3355

Bruce -
You're reading on the couch, and you can't get comfortable for the life of you. One second you're laying on your back, the next on your stomach, the next you're upside down.

Bruce, who's sitting at the other end of the couch, reading his own book, chuckles. "Can't get comfortable?"

You sigh, resting the book on your stomach. "No, not really. It's difficult to find a comfortable reading position."

He sets his book down, too. "Come here."

You pick up your book and half-tumble to the floor, then get up and sit in Bruce's lap. He holds his book out in front of him, then rests his chin on your head. "Better?"

You open your book again, cuddling into him. "Better."

Bucky -
It's late, and you're both sleepy; you've been busy all day. Now is the only time you've had to just sit down and be with each other, so you're cuddling on the couch. His arm is around you and your arm is around his waist. Your free hand is playing with the fingers on his metal one.

Suddenly, you say, "You know, I've been thinking about something."

He looks down at you and softly replies, "Yeah?"

You crack a smile. "You must be great at the robot."

"Well..." he trails off. Then, he stands up and starts doing the robot. Very badly.

You start laughing as he hits his metal hand with his other one and makes his arm swing up, effectively hitting himself in the head. He winces. "Ow."

"Robots don't feel pain."

"This one does."

You sigh jokingly, looking at the pout on his face. "Would a kiss make you feel better?"

He smiles and, instead of answering, practically throws himself onto the couch next to you and kisses you all over your face.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" you shout, laughing.

He places a final kiss on your lips. "That definitely made me feel better."

Clint -
Clint is deaf. Amongst the Avengers and their associates, that fact is well known. There are very few people that can remember a time when he wasn't. You aren't one of those people; you met him after.

He has hearing aids - custom-made by Tony - but they only do so much, and he doesn't like to wear them all the time. He's pretty good at reading lips, so this isn't a problem, but it's much easier for him to use sign language.

So, you decided to learn it.

You've been learning it for months now whenever you could, and you haven't told him because you want to surprise him. And today, Natasha has deemed you well-versed enough that you're ready to show him.

You both look for him around the tower for a while and ultimately find him in the kitchen snooping through the fridge. He has his hearing aids in, and he looks up when Nat clears her throat.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now