Bleobris | Sir Gwaine

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Christmas theme week two!

Also, that picture took me fricken' ages to photoshop and it still sucks.

Summary: Gwaine wants to play in the snow. When you give in, you build a snowman, and... Arthur wants to kill the both of you.

QOTP: Have you ever built a snowman?

Word Count: 687

You swear you're about to be thrown in the dungeon.

Because you're about to kill a knight.

"Come on, it's Christmas," Sir Gwaine insists.

You roll your eyes so hard, you nearly pull a muscle. "No, Gwaine. I am not going to put Arthur's horse in his rooms."

"But it'll be fun!"

"Yeah, sitting in the dungeon sounds real fun."

You start to walk away farther down the castle hall from him, but he catches up to you. "At least do something with me."

"Such as?" you ask, raising a brow. "It's too cold to do anything outside. And there's nothing to do inside, so, O' Great Annoying Knight of Camelot, what do you suggest we do?"

He goes silent for a bit, then runs off somewhere. In about ten minutes, he comes back carrying a large coat, somewhat out of breath.

"What's that for?" you ask.

He grins. "It's mine. You wear it, you won't be cold, we can go outside."


"Come on! It's Christmas."

You take the jacket, remarking, "Christmas is still two weeks away."

"Same difference," he replies.

Once you have the jacket on, you sigh. "This smells like the tavern, arrogance, and disappointment."

Gwaine doesn't miss a beat. "That's because Percival borrowed it."

You laugh as he wraps an arm around you. He looks down at you. "So can we go outside?"

"... Fine."


Your man-child of a boyfriend wanted to play in the snow.

How is he a knight?

I'm serious.

"Okay, we can either have a snowball fight or build a snowman," he says, looking as if he was making some important decision.

You laugh. "Let's build a snowman."

You got started on your snowman, Gwaine deciding to the do the base, you starting on the middle. Then, whoever got done first would do the head.

Once you had the parts all stacked up, you went back to the castle to find things to put on the snowman.

"Let's make him a knight, then we'll make Arthur knight him," you suggest.

Gwaine's eyes go wide. "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA."

And so, you ran through the castle, effectively startling Merlin as he was doing his chores. Gwen, now the queen, stopped you.

"What are you two doing?" she asked suspiciously.

You answer her, breathless. "We built a snowman and we're gonna dress him up as a knight and make Arthur knight him."

With that, you and Gwaine take off, searching for chainmail, armor, swords, shields, capes, and the like.

Once you have it all, you take it outside and put it on the snowman with great difficulty. You stand back and admire your work.

"What should we name him?" Gwaine asks.

You think for a moment. "Bleobris."



"Arthur," you whine, standing with Gwaine and Merlin in the king's rooms, trying to get him to go outside.

"No, Y/N. And that's not how you address me."

You sigh. "Pleeeeeaaaaaase, your royal highness, my lord, sire, my king, your stubborn-ness. It's important."

"... How important?"

"Of the highest importance," Gwaine insists.


"Are you kidding me?" Arthur asks, up to here with your antics.

You shake your head. "No, your highness, we aren't. Bleobris is fully qualified to be a knight of the round table."

"He's a snowman!"

"Give him a chance!"

"I have half a mind to throw you in the dungeon."

"For the sake of Bleobris, I will go with no complaints."

Arthur stands, looking like a middle-aged mom that's done with her kids. He looks up. "If I do this, will you leave me alone?"


He sighs deeply, knights Bleobris, and trudges back up to the castle as you, Gwaine, Merlin, and Gwen laugh hysterically and congratulate Bleobris.

From then on, a drawing of Bleobris (done by Merlin) is present at all Round Table meetings.

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