Preference: Musicals | Sherlock

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Summary: The Sherlock boys. And musicals.

QOTP: What's your favorite musical?

Word Count: 1000

Jim -
Jim is absolutely exhausted. He just got back from Quebec with Moran and all he wants to do is cuddle with you on the couch and watch That '70s Show. But, alas, when he walks into the house, all he can hear is an organ.

And then, your voice.

"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. That voice which calls to me and speaks my name. And do I dream again? For now I find... the phAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNTOM OF THE OPera is there..."

He walks into the living room to find said movie on the TV. You look up. "You're just in time to sing the Phantom's parts!"

He half sighs, half smiles, and breaks into his rendition, at first not caring, but then actually trying.

"... My power over you grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me to glance behind. The phAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTOM OF THE OPera is there... inside your mind."

Needless to say, you spent the rest of the night singing your hearts out.

John -
You're cooking (for once *cough*), John is sitting in the living room. He just got back from a case with Sherlock and he can't be bothered. He doesn't even have the TV on.

Because of this (he's so quiet), you practically forget he's there and decide to turn on some music. Of course, the only option is the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack (AKA the musical you've recently become obsessed with [and by you I mean me it's woNDERFUL]).

Waving Through A Window comes on.

"I've learned to slam on the break... before I've even turned the key. Before I make the mistake. Before I lead with the worst of me."

John listens to you sing, a small smile on his face. He's never heard the song before (he wasn't at home for the past week), but he likes it, whatever it is.

After you've done your big finish, John decides to finally walk into the kitchen.

"What was that?" he asks.

You shrug as If I Could Tell Her comes on. "A song. From a musical... that I really think we should see. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink."

"Yeah, alright," John laughs. "Maybe. If I can get off work." You go to sit the food down and turn the music off. He stops you. "No, leave it on; I like it." So, you do.

Then, Sincerely, Me comes on...

And John practically chokes on a piece of broccoli (kinky!).

Sherlock -
He has no idea what he's hearing.

But it's kind of... good?

"What are you listening to?" he asks.

You turn around, having been doing some cleaning and singing quietly to yourself. "The Hamilton soundtrack," you reply.

His brows furrow. "Hamilton? Like... Alexander Hamilton?"

"Oh, so you know about Alexander Hamilton, but you don't know a thing about the solar system?" you ask incredulously.

He ignores the question. "Love... that was the American Revolution."


"You live in England."

"You are asking to get your tea thrown in the harbor."

He rolls his eyes, but you don't notice because Guns and Ships starts playing. And the rest of the world hardly exists.

"How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower... somehow defeat a global superpower? How do we emerge victorious from the quagmire?
Leave the battlefield waving Betsy Ross' flag higher? Yo. Turns out we have a secret weapon!
An immigrant you know and love who's unafraid to step in! He's constantly confusin', confoundin' the British henchmen. Ev'ryone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman! -

"Lafayette! - I'm takin this horse by the reins makin' Redcoats redder with bloodstains - Lafayette! - And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em drop and burn 'em up and scatter their remains, I'm - Lafayette! - Watch me engagin' em! Escapin' em! Enragin' em! I'm - Lafayette! - I go to France for more funds - Lafayette! - I come back with more - Guns. And ships. And so the balance shifts.

"We rendezvous with Rochambeau, consolidate their gifts.

"We can end this war at Yorktown, cut them off at sea, but for this to succeed, there is someone else we need -

"I know -

"Hamilton! -

"Sir, he knows what to do in a trench. Ingenuitive and fluent in French, I mean - Hamilton! - Sir, you're gonna have to use him eventually. What's he gonna do on the bench? I mean - Hamilton! - No one has more resilience or matches my practical tactical brilliance - Hamilton! - You wanna fight for your land back? - Hamilton! -

"I need my right hand man back! -

"Hamilton! - Ah! Uh, get ya right hand man back. Get your right hand man back! You know you gotta get ya right hand man back. Your right hand man back! I mean you gotta put some thought into the letter but the sooner the better... To get your right hand man back!

"Alexander Hamilton. Troops are waiting in the field for you. If you join us right now, together we can turn the tide. Oh, Alexander Hamilton. I have soldiers that will yield for you. If we manage to get this right... they'll surrender by early light. The world will never be the same, Alexander..."

[Yes, I did.]

"What did I just witness?" Sherlock asks, astonished.

You look off into the [Manhattan in the] distance. "Glory, Holmes. Glory."

He rolls his eyes again, which causes you to randomly sing Hamilton throughout the next week. At very inopportune times. (i.e. "Now Hamilton's skill with a quill is undeniable, but what do we have in common? We're reliable with the laDIES!"

"Y/N, this is a crime scene!"

"I don't care; you not only rolled your eyes at me... you rolled your eyes at Hamilton."

"He cheated on his wife while she was on holiday!"

"I'm not saying he wasn't a complete idiot, but he was a savage founding father!"

"Of America!"

"I will throw your tea straight into the harbor!")

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