That's My Girlfriend | Shaun Murphy

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Requested by @camcrusher123

Summary: Shaun claims to be dating Y/N Y/L/N - a famous model and musician, and no one believes him. Then, you show up at his work.

QOTP: If you were a singer, what genre of music would you sing?

Word Count: 1255

"Claire," Shaun suddenly says, "I would like you to stop humming."

"Sorry," Claire replies, looking back at the computer screen; they're waiting for MRI results. "I've just got this song stuck in my head."

"Why?" Shaun asks.

Claire shrugs. "I don't know. It's just a good song. It dropped last night, and I've been listening to it ever since."

There's a pause. "What is it about?"

"Oh, it's a love song," Claire replies. "It's by this one artist - Y/N Y/L/N. She's a model, too. She's ridiculously pretty-"

"That's my girlfriend," Shaun says simply.

The room goes silent save for the noises coming from the various equipment. Claire looks at Shaun, wide-eyed. "...What?"

"That's my girlfriend," Shaun repeats.

"Y/N Y/L/N is your girlfriend?" Claire asks again, completely shocked and confused. There's no way...

Shaun nods a little. "Yes. Y/N Y/L/N is my girlfriend."

Claire thinks for a second. "Are you sure it's the Y/N Y/L/N I'm talking about? Maybe they just happen to have the same name."

"No, it's her," Shaun says. Claire is about to say something else, but then the MRI results come up and the conversation is shelved.

"We'll talk about this later."


"Shaun," Claire says, catching up with him in the hallway. She's had to wait until lunch to continue the conversation, and she's been thinking about it a lot.

Why would he lie about this? He has no reason to. Even if he was, she's usually able to tell when he's lying. And it didn't seem like he was lying...

But there's no way he's actually dating Y/N Y/L/N.

"Shaun," Claire repeats, walking alongside him, "remember when we were talking about your girlfriend earlier? Show me a picture of her."

Shaun pulls out his phone and finds a picture of his girlfriend from his camera roll. Claire looks at it.

It's a candid; one of a girl in the middle of laughing at something. And she looks a lot like Y/N Y/L/N.

But then again, it's a little blurry.

"That's... No, it can't be her. There's no way," Claire says. Half the time, she doesn't believe Y/N Y/L/N is even real, so the thought of her dating someone she knows is absolutely impossible.

"That is my girlfriend," Shaun insists.

Claire stops for a second and remembers something she hadn't thought about before. "Wait a minute - what happened to Lea? I thought she was your girlfriend?"

"We broke up," Shaun replies. "I'm dating Y/N now." And that's as much as he'll elaborate.

Claire, trying to process everything going through her head, simply says, "Okay," and walks away.

When she's gone, Shaun's phone rings. He answers it. "Hello, Y/N."


"Claire-" Jared starts, seeing her heading down the hallway to lunch and deciding to catch up with her. He's hoping to have a nice, friendly conversation to make things more normal between them, but instead, she cuts him off.

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