Offering Up Your Soul | Castiel

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Summary: You're in a terrible situation with the Winchesters and you need Castiel, but he won't show up.

QOTP: What's your favorite episode of Supernatural?

Word Count: 859

"I swear to Crowley, Cas, if you don't get down here right now I will hunt you down and kill you myself!" you shout at the sky. Sam is crouched next to Bobby, who lay dead. Dean's next to him, merely unconscious, but in pretty bad shape. There's no way he'll survive.

"CAS!" you yell, fists clenching at your sides. Nothing.

"Cas, please!" Sam pleads. You shake your head and kick the closest, beat-up car as hard as you can. You dent it a little, breaking your foot in the process.

"Your precious Dean is probably dying, Cas!" you scream, bracing yourself against the aforementioned car. You're eyes are watering out of frustration and panic and pain. What if Cas never comes? What if Dean dies and Bobby stays dead? What if the reason Cas isn't coming is because he's hurt? What if you and Sam lose all three of them?


Sam starts to protest, but he's interrupted.

"You're offering up your soul, huh?"


You turn. He's walking towards you, a glass of whiskey in one hand and the other hand in his pocket. "Fix them," you order.

He only scoffs, "I need your soul first, sweetheart. And remember: five years; it's two of them."

"I thought you'd revive Bobby free of charge, considering you're in love with him."

Crowley sighs and rolls his eyes. "If you're going to waste my time-"

"Okay! Just take my stupid soul!" you shout.

He steps over Dean on his way toward you. "Let's seal the deal, then."

"Wait!" The flutter of wings.

"Cas?" you ask, turning.

Crowley sighs, "A bit late, aren't we, lover boy? And yet, still too early."

Cas's eyes narrow. "Be gone, Crowley," he says, walking over to Dean and Bobby. First, he touches his hand to Bobby's forehead, then Dean's. They both sit up, dazed. Cas turns to you. "What were you thinking?!" he shouts.

Rage replaces your relief. "What was I thinking?! You didn't show up! I stood here yelling and praying to you, but the only one who actually appeared was Crowley!" You gesture to the demon, who's watching with amusement.

"You were going to sell your soul!" Cas exclaims.

You roll your eyes, "Of course I was! I had no other choice!"

Cas turns on Sam. "You didn't even try to stop it!"

Sam stands, "You really think I could?! I'd have to sell my own soul in secret to break the contract - if that's even possible!" Cas sighs and turns to Crowley.

"Why don't you come when Y/N calls? You're the pet, aren't you?" the latter teasingly asks before taking a sip of his whiskey.

Cas's eyes are filled with rage, "Go, Crowley. Or so help me-"

Crowley disappears.

"Cas-" you start.

He turns, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Don't do that again. Never do that again," he says, as serious as he's ever been.

You timidly nod, a bit stunned by Cas's behavior. "O-Okay, Cas. Just calm down. Please." He lets go and turns, seeing Bobby and Dean sitting up, confused. Sam and Cas help them up.

"Now-" Cas starts, but you know he's going to leave.

"Don't leave," you interrupt.

Cas looks at you for a moment, then his face softens. "Okay... alright. I... I'm sorry for yelling at the both of you. I just-"

"It's fine, Cas. Everything is fine. We're all alive, right?"

You all walk into Bobby's and Sam and you observe your injuries. Sam's aren't very bad, but you have a gash on your back that would certainly need stitches, not to mention your foot (which you didn't). Cas gently places his hand on your forehead and heals the cut and your foot, along with your bruises, scrapes, and aches. A cold sensation washes over you, then settles.

"Thank you," you tell Cas. He gives you a small smile.

He starts to walk into the kitchen, where everyone else is, but you stop him by lightly grabbing his hand. He turns.

"I'm sorry," you apologize.

He shakes his head. "No. I'm sorry; I should've been there as soon as you called."

"You've got your own life, Cas. You can't always be there as soon as we call. Sometimes we forget that."

"You're my friends - my family. I should always be there."

Instead of saying anything, you hug him. Unsurely, he hugs back. "Thank you, Cas," you say, though your voice is slightly muffled in his coat.

"You're welcome, Y/N."

You let him go, but he leans in and gently - timidly - kisses you. It's not long or passionate or very "movie-worthy," but it's one of the nicest kisses you've ever received. When he pulls away a second later, you smile, causing him to smile as well.

He timidly takes your hand and you walk into the kitchen.

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