Preference: We Are Dating | Marvel

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Part Two of Preference: We Aren't Dating | Marvel
Requested by Hufflepuff_Girl_14

Thanks to @Beatleslover2005 for all the votes!

Summary: You previously said you weren't dating, and now there's a part two. You know exactly what this is.

QOTP: Spiderman or Ant-man?

Word Count: 2400

Bruce -
Last night, you were too tired after the party to think about anything. This morning, while routinely eating breakfast with Bruce, all you can think about is that conversation last night.

"Alright, Natasha, serious question. Out of all of us, who do you wanna date the most?"

"Well, I'd say Bruce, but he's already taken."


"We aren't dating."


Bruce was that one that said you aren't dating - which is true. But the way he said it bothered you. You shake it off, thinking you're just being ridiculous, and go to train for a few hours. Bruce heads to the lab.

Later, you meet in the kitchen again for lunch, and, little do you know, Bruce had something on his mind while in the lab.

Last night.

"Y/N, can I... can I talk to you about something?" he asks.

You stop, a little nervous, but pretend to be completely calm. "Sure."

He hesitates a few, agonizing moments. "Last night, we were talking about... us. And dating..."

He goes quiet for so long that you prompt him. "And?"

"And w-we aren't. And I think we should," he finishes.

You're shocked into silence, which he starts to take as a bad sign. Before he can say anything, though, you reply, "I think we should, too."

He smiles.

Bucky -
That guy didn't even know what hit him.

It was your fist.

Steve runs in in time to see the guy's nose get broken. Then, the guy does the smartest thing he's ever done in his life; he runs out of the second exit.

Steve starts going after him, and you go to follow, but then Sam shows up. "You get Barnes to the Quinjet," he says. "Steve and I will find this guy. The rest of the team is searching the building for anyone else."

"I never saw anyone else," Bucky offers helpfully. As Sam relays the message over the comms, you look at Bucky.

He's exhausted and injured, leaning entirely on his restraints. You'd been looking forward to arresting the guy who kidnapped him, but you decide to give the Steve the pleasure and interrogate the guy later.

As you untie Bucky, he gives you a tired smile. "Hey, doll."

Normally, you'd laugh; you always do when he calls you that. But right now your nerves are shot and you're just relieved you found him. "Hi."

"Thanks for the rescue. It was entertaining."


When he's untied, you wrap his arm around your shoulders and start half-carrying him out of the building. He looks over at you. "I really mean it, Y/N. Thank you."

"No need to thank me," you reply, half-breathless (he's heavy). "I didn't do it alone."

He doesn't respond as you continue to lead him to the Quinjet.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now