Preference: Best Friends | Criminal Minds

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Spencer's isn't as sad as Morgan's. I promise.

Summary: You're best friends with Spencer Reid and/or Derek Morgan. Then, you have a... moment.

QOTP: Do you ship Garcia and Derek?

Word Count: 976

Derek -
You and Derek have always been close. Sure, Derek and Reid have a bromance-thing going on. And yes, he and Garcia (AKA "baby girl") are also close.

But you and Derek are as thick as thieves.

You joined the team not long after he did - before Garcia - and Hotch made you partners. So, you've been friends for a long time.

Which means it's no surprise when he blows a gasket when the unsub you were trying catch kidnaps you.

"We need to find this guy, and we need to find him now," he says angrily, pacing.

Hotch attempts to calm him down. "And we will. But to do that, we need your head in the game." [gotta getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game]

"I told her not to go by herself! I told her to wait for backup! And did she listen?! No! She's too stubborn and hard-headed to-"

"Guys," Spencer, who is also in distress, says from across the room. The whole team runs over, all of them desperate to find you.

He turns his laptop to show a video that was just sent to him by the unsub.

What this unsub does is finds people who have secrets and forces them to confess. Then, he sends the confession to the person who is involved in the secret or the person's family.

Spencer hits play on the video.

"I have nothing to hide," you spit angrily at the unsub, who is wearing a mask.

He laughs at this, shaking his head. "You've been hiding for years, Y/N. Just get it off your chest. He should know; you'll never get to tell him if you don't do it now."

"Oh, yeah, because that doesn't make it obvious at all," you reply.

He gets angry and suddenly has a knife at your throat. "Tell him," he says.

While all this is going on, Garcia is frantically searching the video for any indicators as to where you might be.

"I've got something," she says. The team starts talking to her, trying to figure out the exact address. Meanwhile, Morgan is fixated on the screen, praying that he hasn't already hurt you. That you're okay.

"Morgan, let's go," Hotch says, practically pulling him away from the laptop. He runs out with the rest of the team, none of them worrying about turning off the laptop. Garcia can't bring herself to finish the video. So, she shuts it off and no one hears your confession.

"Derek, I love you. And you've probably already guessed that. If you haven't, then you're not as good of a profiler as I thought... And-And I was afraid of what you knowing that would do to our friendship, but that all seems a little stupid now that there's literally a knife at my throat... I'm sorry. And... tell the rest of the team I love them, too. Not like I love you, but... you get it."

When the team gets there, the unsub is standing over you with a knife. He panics and immediately plunges it into your stomach. Derek shoots him and calls for a medic, running over to your side.

"Stay with me, Y/N. You're not dying today. You're not-" He chokes up a little bit, then shouts for a medic again.

"I'm sorry," you say, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.

He shakes his head. "Don't say that, alright? You're gonna get out of here. You're gonna be okay."

You die in the hospital two hours later.

Spencer -
You're on the jet; you just got done with a case. You saved the victim, but - ironically - the killer didn't survive. None of you even shot him; he committed suicide.

This made you all upset because of his story; his life was so sad. Everything that happened to him broke your heart. But, hey, it's the job. What can you do?

Spencer's especially upset; the guy had schizophrenia, so it touched a nerve with him. He's sitting on the couch, a book in his lap. He hasn't turned the page in five minutes.

You're sitting in one of the chairs - the one next to the aisle. JJ is next you, Morgan across from her. Across from you sits Prentiss. Hotch and Rossi are sitting somewhere else.

You notice how upset Spencer is and decide to comfort him. You are best friends; you're the closest in age - a little over a year apart. You've also been on the team for years. You've comforted him countless times and vice versa.

Because of this, you know when Spence wants to talk and when he doesn't.

You sit down next to him, your iPod and headphones in your hands. He looks up at you.

"Y/N, I appreciate the concern, but I don't want to talk about it."

"Who said I wanted to talk?" you ask, holding out one of your headphones. He looks at you for a second, then takes up the offer.

You start your playlist. Some songs he expected to be there, others he didn't. He'd laugh when those came on ("This sounds like something Morgan would listen to!").

Then, a really quiet song comes on. It's peaceful, calming. You're both exhausted, so it's no surprise you start to drift off.

Your head slowly tips onto his shoulder and his tips on yours. He instinctively - half asleep - slings an arm around your waist and turns on his side a little. You, in turn, shift toward him.

In seconds, you're both fast asleep.

And in a few more seconds, Garcia is texting Morgan in all caps, freaking out over her "OTP".

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