You and Me | Josh Dun

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Prompt #30
Requested by @sycudhdohp

Summary: You're both bored, so you go over to Josh's.

QOTP: Which High School Musical character are you?

Word Count: 1491

"'Make an ice cream sundae and we'll tell you when you'll meet your soulmate,'" you mumble to yourself, reading a title of a quiz on Buzzfeed. You click on it. "Sounds fun."

It's been an hour and a half since you started taking Buzzfeed quizzes, and you show no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Josh Dun - your best friend - is laying on his couch, bored out of his mind. He was watching Netflix, but he just finished a show and now has nothing else to watch.

He debates whether he should call you or not; it's midnight and you might be asleep. Then again, he knows you don't work tomorrow, so you might not be...

He mulls it over for a while, then decides to risk it, even if you will be mad at him if he wakes you up. You're the only person he wants to talk to right now, and if he can get you to leave the house - even just to come to his and lay on the couch in silence - he won't be bored anymore.

The phone doesn't ring for long.

"Josh?" you say, slightly annoyed. You were choosing your perfect panini ingredients to determine which Josh Groban song you should listen to. However, it's Josh (Dun), so you have to answer.

"Hey," he says, smiling. It's like magic; he's instantly not bored anymore. "Whatcha doin'?"

You sigh. "I have been taking Buzzfeed quizzes for the past two hours, and, normally, I'd say that wasn't a valuable use of my time. However, I now know what High School Musical character I am and where I'm gonna live when I get older - Sharpay and a shack in the woods."

He laughs. "Seriously?"

You shrug even though he can't see you. "I was bored."

He sighs. "Well, that makes two of us. That's why I called you."

"I'm guessing Tyler wasn't answering?" you joke.

"No; you were the first person I called." The sincerity in his voice makes you pause, and before you can recover and tease him, he continues. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"To do what?" you ask, standing and starting to gather your things - phone, charger, headphones - because you already know you're going over there. You just want to know why.

"I dunno," Josh replies. "I'm just bored. Literally anything than sitting here by myself would be fun."

"Alright, dorkwad," you say, heading out to your car. "I'm leaving now. See you in a bit."


As soon as you pull into Josh's driveway, his front door swings open, the man in question standing there, squinting.

You turn your car off, grab your stuff, and get out with a flourish and bow. "I have arrived," you announce quieter than normal; his neighbors are all asleep. Josh laughs and lets you inside, where you promptly flop down on the couch. "So, what's the game plan?"

Josh quirks an eyebrow. "What?"

"What are we doin'?" you ask. Josh shrugs, so you sigh and grab your phone. "Well, if you don't have anything in mind, I'm going to resume my Buzzfeed-quiz-taking."

Josh laughs and sits down next to you. "Sounds interesting."

You scroll for a bit, then stop to tap on something, and hand your phone Josh. "Take this one."

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