Preference: Have You Ever Been in Love? | Doctor Who

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Prompt #28
Requested by me because I wanted to

Summary: One of you asks the other if they've ever been in love.

QOTP: Have you ever been in love... with the Doctor?

Word Count: 1045

Nine -
It's a boring day in the TARDIS — which doesn't happen very often — and the Doctor is tinkering with something on the console, leaving you to sit and watch because he won't let you go exploring without him. "It's too dangerous."

In your boredom, you're quietly thinking to yourself, and your mind, of course, drifts to the Doctor. Suddenly, you have an idea to ask him a question. "Doctor?" He hums in response, distracted, so you go ahead and ask, "Have you ever been in love?"

He looks up at that, startled by the bluntness of it. "What?"

"Have you ever been in love?" you repeat simply.

"Well, I, um... I..." he starts, then his brows suddenly furrow. "Why are you asking me, anyway?"

"I'm curious. And bored."

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know."

"And satisfaction brought it back," you retort, "so are you answering my question or not?"

He pauses for a few moments, thinking. "You know what I'm in love with?"

"'What' not 'who'?" you ask.

He nods. "Yes, 'what'." He pauses, either waiting for you to guess or at least respond. You don't, so he continues. "I'm in love with bananas."

You sigh. "Honestly answering questions like this is how friends bond."

"So you admit that you only think of me as a friend?" he replies.

"I... What?" you ask, confused. He just waits for an answer, but you don't want to admit that you think of him as more than a friend. "I mean... I asked a question first."

He hesitates for a second. "Fine. The answer is yes. Now, answer my question."

"... No," you reply cautiously.

"No, you won't answer my question or no is your answer to the question I asked?"

"The... The second thing that you just said."

A small smile appears on his face. "Good."

"Great," you reply, smiling, too.

Then, he says, "Your turn," meaning it's your turn to ask a question.

"Who have you been in love with?" you ask.

He blushes, which he doesn't do very often. "Well, right now... I'm in love with you."

You take a few moments before answering. "... I expected you to say that based on everything else that just happened, but I was not prepared to actually hear those words come out of your mouth."

He chuckles. "So... are you in love with me, too?"


He grins. "Well, this has worked out fantastically."

Ten -
You've just left the happy couple Joseph and Margaret in 1800s England after saving their town from a hostile alien race. Seeing Jospeh and Margaret together has put something on the Doctor's mind.

"Have you ever been in love?" he asks you curiously.

You snort, mumbling, "Funny you should ask me that."

"What?" he asks, brows furrowing.

You didn't think he'd heard you. "N-Nothing. I said no. I have never felt a nice, warm emotion in my whole life. I am nothing but rage and anxiety."

"You nearly cried petting a cat the other day because 'it was so cute'," he points out.

"That's completely different, and you know it."

"You know, you don't have to answer the question if you don't want to," he says. "I was just curious..."

You think for a second. "I'll answer the question if you answer it first."

"Y/N, I am billions of years of old, of course I've been in love before. There, your turn."

You didn't think about how easy it would be for him to answer, but you said you would if he did, so now you have to. "... Yes."


"What do you mean interesting?" you ask, trying to read his expression.

"Just find it interesting is all. Now, considering you humans have so short lifespans, and I've been in yours for a large chunk of your adult life, I'll wager a guess that I know him. Am I correct?"

You roll your eyes. "Yes, Sherlock Holmes, you are."

"Thank you for the compliment," he replies. "Now, I'm going to proceed to guess who it is because you won't tell me outright."

"Oh, joy."





"Hmm..." He thinks for a moment. "David?"

"Absolutely not."

"Are you sure I know him?"

You almost laugh. "Positive."

After some time, he finally wagers another guess. "Is it me?"


"I will neither confirm nor deny," you reply, not looking at him.

"It is me!" he shouts joyfully.

"I will neither-!"

"It is!"

"Well, don't be all smug about it!" you reply irritatedly.

"I'm not smug!" he says, grinning. "I'm happy!"

Your brows furrow. "What? Why?"

"Because I'm in love with you, too."

"Oh... Oh. I didn't see that coming."

Eleven -
You're in a London park, sitting on a bench and eating fish and chips. It's quiet between the two of you, considering the Doctor's mouth is too full to chatter.

You're people watching - mostly just children running around and cute dogs being walked - when you see an adorable couple walk by your bench. Seeing as you have feelings for him, it makes you think of the Doctor - what it would be like if you and him were like that.

Suddenly, you ask, "Have you ever been in love?"

He nearly spits out the chip he just put in his mouth. "Oh, well, yes. I have. Many times."

"Can I... ask about them?" you ask hesitantly.

"Well, the first time was on Gallifrey, but that was ages ago..." He sighs. "Oh, you probably don't want to hear about all this-"

"I asked, didn't I?"

"Well, yes..."

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," you add.

"No, I..." Suddenly, he stops. "Well, you know, the time that matters most is right now."

"Right now?" you ask, your mind immediately going to who it could be — a.k.a. not you.

"Yes..." he replies. Then, he looks over at you. "You seem disappointed."

"I'm not-"

"Would you still be disappointed if I told you you're who I'm in love with?"

You're shocked. "I... No."

"Well, you are."

"I'm in love with you, too," you reply, blushing.

He smiles. "Splendid."

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