Preference: Finding Neverland | Marvel

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I ended up with only four characters bc I couldn't find songs that fit specific characters so ig enjoy this mess

Summary: Your Finding Neverland song.

QOTP: Do you like Finding Neverland?

Word Count: 1748

Bucky - If The World Turned Upside Down
There's a moment you've been waiting all your life for - when you find the very reason you're alive for. And it happens when you seem to least expect it. All at once you come alive and feel connected.

It was incredibly cliché, the way he met you - you bumped into each other on the street. You were holding a cup of coffee. It got all over him.

He never believed in love at first sight, but that moment - when he looked at you for the first time - definitely changed his mind.

Something clicked when he looked at you.

The world got brighter when he looked at you.

He was tripping over his words, and his stomach was doing somersaults, but he still managed to ask for your number and a date later that week.

I ignored the beat inside my heart for too long, had accepted what was right, but always felt wrong. It's the second hand of time I'd been a slave to, but inside there was a feeling - something I always knew.

Before, he'd been living in the Avengers Compound with the others. They stopped Thanos, they saved the universe. Everything was calm, but that meant there was nothing for him to do.

At least, in Wakanda, he had work to do. In New York, he had nothing, save working out in the gym. So, he walked. Steve decided to join him one day, and they went into the heart of New York. They separated when Steve wanted to go into some store. Bucky wanted a drink, so he walked ahead to the café.

Or tried to, until he collided with you.

He didn't realize what gloom he was living in until you made everything bright.

He was back in the 40s again. He must've been.

When the world turned upside down and the earth and sky changed around, all the whispers of the possible became clear and loud. When the world turned upside down. When my world turned upside down.

You changed everything for him - his perspective, his mood. Steve even said he was like the old Bucky again.

His whole world flipped upside down when he met you.

Or, maybe, you just turned it right side up again.

Peter - Neverland
He was upset; he got in a fight with Tony yesterday, and he didn't know what to do. May and you both told him to give Tony some time to calm down and get over it, then to go talk to him.

Peter was still upset over it, though.

And, being his best friend, it was your job to cheer him up.

"Alright, Pete, we're not doing this," you said, standing from the couch.

He looked up at you. "Not doing what?"

"Being all sad and mopey. So, get up and dance with me," you said, holding your hands out.

"Dance with you?"

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