You Deserve Better (Part One) | Oliver Wood

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Prompt #2
Requested by @antihoshial

Part Two will be in Book 2!

Summary: You're dating Oliver Wood, but your relationship is a secret. It's been fun hiding it, but now you're ready to just give it up and be open about it. Oliver, however, is not...

QOTP: Hermione and Ron or Hermione and Fred?

Word Count: 1430

The Owlery isn't exactly the most romantic place in the world, but it's what you're dealing with — and, honestly, it's worth it.

It's one of the only places you get to see your boyfriend, Oliver Wood, and actually act like he's your boyfriend.

Your relationship is a secret. Has been since it started around the big Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin a number of months ago. You didn't want anyone thinking anything was going on because you knew whoever lost would accuse the other for cheating or something — it just would've been a whole mess. After the game — which Gryffindor won — you just kept it a secret. Oliver wanted to; he said it was more fun that way.

"I wish I could live in this moment forever," you say quietly, your head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you while you sit on the floor.

He chuckles. "Really? Because it doesn't smell too great in here."

You shove him lightly. "Oh, you know what I mean."

He kisses your forehead. "Yeah, I do," he admits. "And I wish I could, too." He looks up, out the window in front of you. "The sun's about to rise; we gotta go."

You groan, standing with him. "Why?"

He kisses you, a little amused. "I'll see you at breakfast."

You frown. "Not really."

"Then I'll see you tonight. Empty classroom this time. It's a bit gross in here."

You sigh, smiling a little when you think about seeing him later tonight. "Okay. Love you."

"Love you, too."

And you part ways, heading to your respective common rooms, experts at not getting caught by now.


You walk into the Great Hall with your best friend — who doesn't know about Oliver — having only got a couple hours of sleep. As you talk about meaningless things, your eyes search for Oliver at the Gryffindor table. You find him.

He's already looking at you.

You smile a little, then turn away, going to sit down at the Slytherin table.

You wish you could just go over there and kiss him good morning. Something just that simple.

Or you wish you could smile at him — really smile at him — and tell him, "I love you," at any time of day. You wish you could sit near him in the classes you have together and sit in the library and study together. You wish you could sit by the Black Lake, under the tree, just like you sat in Owlery.

You sigh.

"What's wrong?" your friend asks, spreading butter on her toast. "Who do I need to punch in the face?"

You laugh lightly. "No one, Y/F/N. I'm fine. Just tired."

But you're not fine. Not really. You resist turning around to look back at Oliver.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now