Preference: Caught Singing | Supernatural

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The songs I used in this preference are (respectively):

Ruby by Twenty Øne Piløts
Do You Hear the People Sing? from Les Misérables
Would You Be So Kind? by dodie

This preference is the reason I shouldn't edit/write late at night. Just ignore the stuff in these: [] if you don't want the memes and stupid jokes...

Summary: Your boyfriend catches you singing.

QOTP: What's your favorite song?

Word Count: 1694

Castiel -
You're staying in the bunker alone.

Sam and Dean went out on a hunt and you told them you felt too sick and would only be a nuisance if you went. So, they told you to get better and took off.

Cas knows of this; Dean told him. You're like a younger sibling to Dean, so he's worried something will happen when he and Sam are gone. (He knows full and well that you could handle yourself, but he still would like to know that Cas would be watching to make sure you were okay.)

You know Cas is there, though Dean didn't want you to. The angel had appeared a few minutes after the Winchesters left. He'll check up on you every few hours, and you know to pray to him if anything went wrong.

About halfway through the week, you're looking around the library, reorganizing the books because you're bored. You turn on some music and begin singing, completely forgetting Cas is due to drop by.

Meaning, you don't notice him walking into the library as you sing.

Ruby, I hope I see you. I've waited all this week for you to walk my way; your soul will capture me. Your mama painted your room "a shade of pink," she said. But with your great arrival, that shade has turned to red.

Cas is confused.

Isn't Ruby a demon? Why would you want to see her? He understands a few lines, though - her soul capturing you would be a demon thing to do, right? Maybe...

And the shade turning from pink to red - referencing demon blood, maybe? Or maybe her evilness turned the once-beautiful color dark. The rest, though, is lost on him.

Ruby, take my hand. Please lead me to the Promise Land. Tell me, where am I from? Your eyes say, "Shada de da dum." Ruby, you're royalty. In your homeland, they all call you Queen. Tell me, where are you from? Your eyes say, "Shada de da dum."

Since when is Hell "the Promise Land?" And why would you ask a demon about where you're from? Also, eyes talking? Cas knows demons can do a lot of things, but he doesn't think making their eyes talk is one of them.

And since when is Ruby royalty? Sam and Dean killed her; there's no way she could've married Crowley and became the Queen of Hell. As for the last line, you know where Ruby is from. Why ask?

You're an angel fallen down. Won't you tell us of the clouds? You have fallen from the sky. How high? How high?

Demons aren't fallen angels - Lucifer is, and he's in his cage. [Along with Adam... Is he okay down there? Does he need snacks? Earplugs to block out Lucifer and Michael? I mean, no one cares enough to bring anything to him. Just asking to be polite.]

Finally, confusion overwhelms Cas. "Y/N?" he asks.

You jump, turning around. "Cas! You gave me a heart attack!"

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