How About a Kiss? | Fred Weasley

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Kind of spoilers for The Book Thief, even though the narrator himself spoils it in the actual book. Multiple times.

There's a couple direct quotes in here, so, technically, not all of this is mine.

Summary: Based on The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

QOTP: Have you read The Book Thief?

Word Count: 3430

There it is.

The train.

You've waited years for this moment. Ever since your mother told you about Hogwarts when you were younger, all you ever wanted was to go.

And now, you finally are.

"Mum, look!" you hear someone shout over the other noises on the platform. The boy who said it is right next to you, standing with his mum, dad, sister, and other brothers, one of which looks exactly like him. They all have bright red hair.

"I see it, Fred," his mum replies, chuckling.

The boy frowns. "I'm not Fred; I'm George."

"Yeah, I'm Fred," his identical twin says.

"Sorry, boys-"

"Just kidding!" they shout.

This finally gets the attention of your parents, who have been looking around and talking — your Muggle father asking questions, your Muggleborn mother answering them. Your mother turns to look at the children, then spots their parents. "Molly! Arthur!"

They stop and look at your mother, both brightening instantly. "Y/M/N!" the woman — Molly — says, running over to hug your mother. "It's been ages! How are you?" Your mother introduces them to your father, who Arthur instantly takes a liking to once he finds out he's a Muggle. In the middle of the conversation, Molly turns to three of her sons. "You boys run along. Show, Fred, George, and Y/N where they're going."

You push your cart to follow the boys to the train, Fred and George — the twins — pushing their carts next to you. One of them looks over at you. "Are you a First Year, too?"

"Yeah," you reply.

He smiles. "I'm Fred."

The boy on your other side says, "I'm George."

"I'm Y/N."

The three of you get into a conversation from there, discussing the differences of your upbringings, considering they're Purebloods, and you're a Halfblood.

It becomes an unspoken fact that you, Fred, and George are going to stick together, so after their brothers tell you what to do, you look for a compartment with them. George pulls ahead, but Fred stays behind with you.

"Race you to the back of the train?" he asks, grinning.

Your brows furrow. "For what? What's the prize?"

He thinks for a moment, then grins even wider. "If I win, I get to kiss you. If you win, you get to kiss me."

"Gross," you reply, grimacing. "I want a different prize."

"Why? I think I'm rather kissable."

"As I said: Gross. And, anyway, what would you want to kiss me for?"

He shrugs. "Why wouldn't I want to kiss you?"

You blush, but try to hide it and change the subject. "If I win, I get your dessert at the feast."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now