Staring | Newt Scamander

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Idea given to me by the beautiful, wonderful, and talented singtothesky_ (she also helped)

I'm going back to the twice a week schedule, so expect a preference Wednesday!

Summary: You and Newt are best friends, and Newt has begun zoning out more often than not, especially when he's with you...

QOTP: Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts?

Word Count: 1770

Newt Scamander is your best friend and has been since the day you met him when you were first years.

People have asked you why you're friends with him, some even going so far as to have their own theories. You always give them the same answer.

You just like hanging out with him.

Simple as that.

He always has something interesting to say — usually about a creature — and he's one of the sweetest people you've ever met. He's funny when he wants to be, and, true to his Hufflepuff nature, he's incredibly loyal, so you know he'd never go behind your back or purposefully hurt you in any way.

And, above all that, he's just your best friend. You met him at the feast in first year, so you just decided to stick together from there. And now, here you are: Fifth years, studying for your next Charms exam in the library.

"Hey, do you remember what the spell was to make a...?" you trail off, glancing up at Newt, who's sitting across from you with his chin resting on his hand, not paying attention at all — even if he is looking at you. If you didn't know any better, you'd say his expression was lovestruck; adoration is in his eyes, and he looks almost wistful. You raise a brow. "Newt?"

He jumps, his face going crimson and his eyes refusing to meet yours. "Wh-What? I-I wasn't- um..."

"Head stuck in the clouds?" you ask, chuckling as you look back to your book.

Newt nods awkwardly. "Ye-Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I just... Anyway, what were you saying?"

You ask your question, which he ends up knowing the answer to, and soon after you decide to call it a day and head to the Black Lake to just sit and chat. Newt brings along his Bowtruckle, Pickett.

"I think Pickett likes me more than you," you say jokingly, watching the Bowtruckle crawl along your hand.

Newt chuckles. "Well, you named him, so I wouldn't be surprised."

You continue to play with the creature, both of you going quiet, save you half-whispering to Pickett in the typical way one tends to talk to their pets.

Suddenly, you turn to Newt. "Do you...?" You stop for the second time that day, realizing Newt's head is completely in the clouds as he stares at you. "Newton Scamander."

He jumps. "Huh? Oh, sorry..." He blushes deeply, and yet again is unable to meet your eyes.

"What is with you today?" you ask, half-laughing.

He shrugs. "I-I don't know. Just... thinking about th-things."

Your brows furrow. "What 'things'?"

"Unimportant things," he replies with a wave of his hand.

"They don't seem unimportant."

"Well, they are," he says. You give him a pointed look, so he adds, "It's fine. I'm fine."

You're skeptical, but you don't want to push it. "Alright..." With that, you go back to talking to Pickett.

And Newt zones out again.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now