Drunk Confessions | Tenth Doctor

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Sunmary: The Tenth Doctor gets drunk. And confesses things.

QOTP: What's your favorite Doctor Who villain?

Word Count: 949

You're sitting in the console room when he stumbles in, his hair a mess, his tie slung around his neck, and his fly down.

"Where have you been?" you ask, amused.

He braces himself against the railing and kicks the door shut with his foot. "Like, five pubs. And I had to walk to all of them. And these women kept looking at me, saying things. Can hardly remember. I-I said 'no', though, but to what, I'm not sure."

"So... You're drunk?"

"Yes, I believe that is the term."

He grips onto the railing and inches his way up the ramp. You walk over to him, fighting the amused smile trying to make its way onto your face.

"Your fly's down," you tell him.

He fumbles to zip it up. "Yeah, just had a wee outside... And a puke. Wasn't pleasant."

"Why are you drunk?"

"Well, the last time I got drunk was before the Time War," he slurs. "Back on Gallifrey, it'd happen once in a blue moon. Wanted to do it again for the heck of it, I guess."

"So not drowning your sorrows?"

"Are you kidding? That doesn't work."

He pushes past you to go sit down. You follow him.

"Can you even get drunk drinking human alcohol?" you ask.

He gestures to himself. "Well, obviously. Took me three pubs to get tipsy, though; the bartender kept cutting me off. And then, I started ordering the stronger stuff. And here we are. Would've been easier with the stuff we had on Gallifrey. Would probably give you alcohol poisoning with one swig."

You laugh. "You do realize you probably had some of that stuff on the TARDIS somewhere, right?"

He sighs and rubs his face. "Yes, now I do."

You chuckle and sit down next to him. For some reason, he decides to throw his arm around you. "So what have you been up to?"

"Exploring the TARDIS."

"And you didn't get lost?"

"Nope. She likes me."

He smiles, then stops and looks seriously at you. "You know, I never realized how good that black line on your eyes makes you look."

"You mean... eyeliner?"

"Yeah. And that little flicky-uppy thing on the end is quite nice, too."

"... Thank you?"

He looks at you for an almost uncomfortable amount of time, then stands up. "So, where to?"

"Hold on," you say. "You want to go somewhere? You're dru- wait. I have an idea."

He looks at you with a lopsided grin. "Well?" he asks excitedly.

You smile. "Let's have the TARDIS choose. She can send us to the best place to set a drunk Doctor free - and by 'best', I mean 'worst'."

The Doctor frowns, but doesn't have time to protest because the TARDIS takes off. Immediately, he flops to the floor while you laugh and hang on to the console.

Finally, you land. You hold out a hand to help him up, then go to open the doors to see where you are.

"Sea World!" the Doctor exclaims. "An aquarium! Oh, this'll be fun!" He slings an arm around you and starts chanting. "Free the whales! Free the whales! Save the bees! Save the bees! Wait, what's another chant? Oh, I've got it! Not my-!"

You tell him to shut up through laughter, but he won't listen to you, so you put your hand over his mouth.

"Stop!" you whisper-shout.

When you take your hand off his mouth, he "whisper-shouts" back an "Okay!"

With his arm still around you, you walk around and look at all the fish. Suddenly, the Doctor starts giggling.

"Re-Remember when we first met during that Cyberman invasion and you were yelling at me about something, and then th-this Cyberman walked up and you just turned around and kicked it right in the chest? And then it fell?"

"Yes," you reply.

He laughs. "That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life."

"You're serious?"

"Well, yeah. It was a Cyberman. And you kicked it. And it fell."

You pause, then look over at him curiously. "You said one of the most beautiful things. What's another one?"

"Well, that enormous puffer fish we just passed, for starters. Um, you-you're nice, I guess. Pretty... hair. And lots of other things. Jammy dogers. Wow, those are good. Oh, have you ever seen a Dalek made out of flowers? Quite impressive, honestly. And it won't kill you. Unless, of course, you're deathly allergic to flowers."

"... You're such an idiot."

"Yes, but I'm your idiot."

You don't say anything for a while, just looking at the fish. Besides the Doctor's occasional exclamations about said fish (i.e. "LOOK, IT'S NEMO!"), it's silent between you two.

"You know," he suddenly says, "when I saw you kick that Cyberman without hesitation - without a second thought - I knew I was gonna ask you to travel with me when it was all over. I knew, then and there, and we'd only known each other not five minutes."

You look at him with astonishment. "You did?"

"Of course I did. It was a Cyberman. And you kicked it. And it fell... Plus, I... I thought you were  pretty... I, uh, I still think you are... But don't tell the TARDIS."

"Why not?"

"She might get jealous."

"Alright, I won't."

The rest of the evening was spent with the Doctor telling you random, ridiculous facts about fish that may or may not have been true. And him looking at you when you weren't looking at him.

After all, drunk confessions are sober thoughts.

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