Preference: He Asks You Out | Stranger Things

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Why did I end up talking about college twice in this whole thing geez way to stress some of y'all out sorry

Also the Alexei one got away from me a little bit but gosh dang it I love him and he deserved better

Summary: He asks you out.

QOTP: Did you cry watching season three?

Word Count: 4097

Alexei -
You were with Hopper and Joyce when they first kidnapped him. He was scared, and you sympathized with him. You tried to explain everything to him, even though you didn't speak Russian.

You got him to Murray, who actually knew Russian. And, through Murray, you talked to him — not just about what he built, but about everything when you had the time. In the back of the stolen car, you sat in between him and Murray, who was your translator.

And he was perfectly happy to be; he saw the smiles on both your faces when you would have those conversations — even just when you looked at each other.

Then, you arrive at the 4th of July carnival. Hopper tells Alexei and Murray to stay in the car so they can discuss the machine. You stay with Alexei, and he and Murray sit on the trunk of the car and sketch and talk in Russian as you just sit and listen. You have no idea what they're saying, but you like the sound of Alexei's voice.

Suddenly, they start whispering. You think you hear Murray speaking English, but you're not sure. Then, Murray hops off the car. "Well, I am going to go enjoy the festivities. You stay with Alexei and meet back here." He winks at Alexei, then heads off.

Alexei looks at you. "Y/N..." he says, then he hesitates, thinking. "Would you... go on a... date... with me?" He points to the carnival.

You blush deeply, understanding what he said even with his accent, and liking the way it sounds when he says your name. You nod. "да [da — yes]," you say, pretty much the only word you've picked up since knowing him.

He smiles widely, and you get out of the car, then take his hand as you walk to the carnival.

You buy tickets, then let him lead you to where he wants to go. He chooses the dart game — you get five darts, and if you pop five balloons, you get the big prize: A jumbo Woody Woodpecker. You give the carney a ticket, and he gives Alexei five darts.

With a few moments' pause before each shot, he pops five balloons. The carney looks amazed as he hands him the Woody Woodpecker.

Alexei immediately turns and hands it to you. "для тебя... Y/N [diya tebya — for you]." You smile as you take it, holding it in one arm as you take his hand again.

You lead him to the Ferris wheel. You spot Murray on the way, and he gives Alexei a thumbs up. On the Ferris wheel, the Woody Woodpecker is sitting on the outside of you, and you still have his hand in yours, and he smiles the entire time.

He looks over at you, wondering how he got so lucky to be here tonight, with you, sitting at the top of a Ferris wheel. "Я люблю тебя [YA lyublyu tebya — I love you]."

You turn to him, watching the lights illuminating his face. You didn't understand him — he knows that, that's why he said it — but, nonetheless, with a slight hesitation, you lean forward and kiss him, just for a few seconds. When you pull away, he kisses you again.

The Ferris wheel rolls back down, and you're forced to get off. You find Murray again, and start walking towards him.

None of you saw the man with the gun.

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