Preference: Habits | Heroes of Olympus

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Only the main Heroes of Olympus boys bc it's hard to come up with good ideas for this preference

Also sunsicarus has an imagines book (that I inspired how freaking cool is that) that includes Percy Jackson (amongst other awesome stuff). You should go check that out. ASAP. You can read this preference later.

Summary: A habit you've developed since being with him.

QOTP: Do you have any habits?

Word Count: 605

Frank -
Every time you walk somewhere together - without fail - you lace your arm through his. Other couples walk around holding hands, but not you. You'd probably look like a couple walking around in the Victorian Era if you weren't wearing twenty-first century clothes.

Frank doesn't mind at all; he actually thinks it's cute. You, on the other hand, don't think about it at all. You just do it.

Everyone else seems to think it's cute, too, and people always joke about how you and Frank are the power couple of Camp Jupiter.

Frank agrees with them on that.

Jason -
For some reason - you don't know why - you started laying your head on Jason's shoulder every time he sat down directly next to you. And you still do it, now without thinking.

He'll sit down next to you at the campfire at Camp Half-Blood - or, say, on a couch - and you'll just lay your head on his shoulder.

You usually don't if you're doing something (like eating), but otherwise, you do. Jason doesn't mind - sometimes he'll even put an arm around you and pull you even closer. The others like to tease you about it - mainly Leo, Percy, and Piper - but you still do it anyway.

Leo -
When focused on something else - such as talking to somebody (him or otherwise) - you tend to reach over and just play with his fingers. It's the strangest thing to most people, and it bothers him only sometimes, but you almost can't help but do it.

Who needs a fidget cube when you've got Leo?

He was extremely confused the first time you did it. You were talking to Annabeth about something, and he was just sitting there, so you reached over and grabbed his hand to make sure he knew that you hadn't forgotten about his existence. Then, without even realizing it, you just started playing with his fingers. Annabeth noticed and was briefly confused, but Leo actually mentioned it outright. "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" you asked, looking over at him. Leo told you what you were doing. "Oh. I didn't notice."

After that, it just kept happening.

This becomes a problem when Leo is trying to tinker with something, but other than that, he doesn't mind. In fact, he's gotten quite used to it.

Percy -
Every time you go out somewhere - or even just to the kitchen - you ask if he wants anything. You go out to eat with friends, shopping, or on a late night fast food run? You ask. Sometimes, you'll even do the grandma thing when he says no: "Are you sure?"

It's not an entirely unconscious habit, but it's a habit nonetheless. Percy, of course, appreciates this, and often tries to return the favor. You usually won't let him.

You've started doing this to Sally, too, especially now that she's pregnant. You might be no where near their apartment, but you'll call Percy and ask anyway, and he'll ask Sally. She repays you in blue chocolate chip cookies (and makes Percy wait for you to eat your fill before he takes one).

It often has Percy wondering how he got so lucky to be dating you.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now