Preference: Cuddling (Gif) | Harry Potter

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I'm writing this after watching all the Starkid musicals and I don't know how to feel bc I keep picturing Draco as that Draco and it's making writing this weird

The gifs I'm sorting through are also making this weird but whatever

Also I got the idea for Sirius' from @Dreamescape101 's Harry Potter Preference book - specifically George's in the chapter called What You Love About Them

Summary: Cuddling. Cuteness.

QOTP: Did you get my text?

Word Count: 1600

Draco -

The Room of Requirement is very useful for a number of things - well, technically, it's useful for everything

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The Room of Requirement is very useful for a number of things - well, technically, it's useful for everything. You and Draco tend to use it for alone time, seeing as you're never alone otherwise.

Every time you enter the room, there's a comfy couch with a big blanket on it - the perfect place to cuddle.

He insists he doesn't enjoy it, and only does it for you, but you know he's lying. You don't call him out on it, though. It'd be more fun if he just outright admitted it.

So, for a couple hours, you and a "reluctant" Draco cuddle on that couch, talking about anything and everything until one or both of you falls asleep.

He's a lot sappier than he'd have everyone believe.

Fred -

Fred Weasley is practically a koala bear

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Fred Weasley is practically a koala bear. At all times. This is especially fueled by the fact that you don't seem to mind. I mean, it's Fred Weasley - who would?

"I think George and I have devised the perfect plan to break into Filch's office," he says, his arm wrapped around you with your head on his shoulder.

"You said that the last time and got three weeks of detention," you reply, slightly amused.

"Yeah, but this time that won't happen," he insists.

"I wouldn't bet on that."

"What?" he asks jokingly. "Gonna rat us out?"

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