Can We Eat First? | Eleventh Doctor

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Summary: Another planet is being invaded, and the Doctor is in a hurry to help. However, you're hungry.

QOTP: Do you like Italian food?

Word Count: 1216

"'Just add oil and egg,'" you mumble to yourself, reading from the box of waffle mix you're holding. "Sounds easy enough."

You start to grab a mixing bowl when a familiar noise rings through your ears. A pulsing, odd sound that can only be described as a TARDIS with its breaks on.

Which is exactly what it is.

It materializes in your living room, and, not long after it's landed, the Doctor flings the door open in a panic. "Y/N!"

"What?" you ask, irritable considering you haven't eaten since breakfast, and he's just interrupted your soon-to-be breakfast-for-dinner.

He doesn't notice your annoyed expression as he jumps over your couch to get to you. "There's this planet - Invomfeotape [DJ_Tatortot ] - that's being invaded by a genocidal race called the Thanosians. We have to go right now; it's urgent!"

You think for a moment, glancing back at the waffle mix on the counter. "Can we eat first?"

The Doctor looks incredulous and confused. "Can we what?"

You sigh. "I'm starving. And you can't defeat a genocidal alien race on an empty stomach."

His nonexistent brows furrow. "What part about urgent don't you understand?"

You look at him for a solid ten seconds. "What are you?"

He stops. "What?"

"What are you?" you repeat.

"...The Doctor?"

"Less specific."

It takes him far too long. "... A Time Lord?"


He looks at you strangely. "I'm confused."

You sigh again, gesturing to the TARDIS. "You have a time machine, you buffoon! Nothing is urgent!"

His face lights up in understanding. "Oh! Right. Well, then eat your..." He looks at the box on the counter. "...waffles, I guess."

"No," you reply immediately.

"What do you mean, 'no'? You're being really confusing-"

"I'm going to change, grab my money, and you're going to take me to dinner." You head towards your bedroom without waiting for a response.

"Where?!" the Doctor shouts down your hallway.

"I'm in the mood for Italian!" you shout back.

He smiles. "I know just the place."


Fifteen minutes later, you meet him on the TARDIS and find him wearing a tux. "You changed."

He shrugs, looking at your now-fancy outfit. "Well, I can't just wear suspenders and a jacket, can I? I have to look fancy. I can't have you out-dressing me."


"Though I'm afraid you always do, despite my best efforts."

You blush, then try to hide your face so he doesn't notice. "Th-Thanks."

"You're welcome." With that, he pulls a lever and the TARDIS takes off.


You look at the fairy lights strung up around the patio, the moon shining brightly in the sky. The Doctor is sitting across the table, smiling at you. Quiet music is playing in the background.

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