Preference: Cute Moment | Twenty One Pilots

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In case you didn't hear, SadlyJustJenna and I made a joint account - sadlyjustachalupa - bc we're working on a TØP fanfic set in DEMA so you should maybe go follow it if you want and also SadlyJustJenna has a book on their account about the book and updates on it and stuff so check that out too ok thanks

Summary: A cute moment between you.

QOTP: Blurryface or Trench?

Word Count: 840

Josh -
You love touring with Josh and Tyler - traveling the world, spending time with Josh, etc.

But, man, concerts wear you out.

Most of the show, you're watching on the sidelines with Jenna. However, about two shows in, Josh had the bright idea to bring you out on stage to help sing one of the cover songs and you've been doing it ever since.

You don't know how they get through the whole show without passing out from exhaustion.

So, unsurprisingly, you're half asleep on the couch in Josh's dressing room. Tyler and Jenna have already left for the bus, but Josh is still in his sweaty concert clothes.

"You go ahead," he says. "I'll meet you on the bus."

"Nah, I'll wait for you," you reply tiredly. "I don't wanna get up."

He cocks an eyebrow, though you can't see him because he standing behind the couch. "I'm changing."

"My eyes are shut."

He chuckles and changes, which takes him about five minutes, what with packing up his stuff and everything. He grabs his bag and starts to head out. "Alright, let's-"

He's interrupted by a very cute snore.

He turns and sees that you're out cold on the couch, using the sweatshirt you often "borrow" from him as both pillow and teddy bear. He starts to wake you up so you can stumble back to the bus, but he just can't seem to do it. He crouches in front of you, thinking for a moment, then sighs. "Why do you have to be so cute?"

He puts his bag on his arm like a purse, then lifts you bridal-style, sweatshirt and all. You stir a little, snuggling into his chest. His heart melts and he thinks he's gonna cry a little bit, but he soldiers on and carries you all the way to the bus.

A few fans see him and whisper a "hello" once they realize you're asleep. They take pictures, of course, which end up on the internet immediately.

Once on the bus, Tyler and Jenna stop whatever conversation they're having and look at Josh. Tyler cocks an eyebrow at him. "Dude-"

"Hold on," Josh says, making his way to the bunks.

Jenna hurries over to your bunk and pulls the curtain back so Josh can set you down. He covers you with a blanket, kisses your forehead, and closes the curtain.

"She fell asleep in your dressing room, didn't she?" Tyler says when Josh sits down on the couch.


"And you didn't wake her up because...?"

Josh blushes. "She looked too cute... and she probably would've gotten mad at me."

Tyler chuckles. "I can hear the wedding bells."

Tyler -
Cuddling on the couch, having no obligations, just observing the peace of the moment - you're living your best life.

"Can I ask you something?" Tyler says quietly.

Knowing Tyler, you expect him to ask you something deep about life, death, purpose, God, and/or what it all means. "If you ask me what the answer to life, the universe, and everything is, I'm going to tell you forty two, then take another nap."

He chuckles. "I was just going to ask you what your favorite color is."

You quirk an eyebrow, sitting up a little. "Who are you and what have you done with Tyler Joseph?"

"Not everything has to be deep or have a significant meaning with me," he says, amused.

"Coulda fooled me."

He laughs. "So what is your favorite color?"

You sigh, laying back against his chest again. "I don't know. Why is it so important?"

"Because it pertains to you - it's something you like - and I wanna know everything there is to know about you."

You're a little confused, but also touched at the sincerity in his tone. Blushing, you quietly ask, "Why?"

"Well, for starters, I'm in love with you. More so than I ever thought humanly possible. Secondly, I want to win that Newlywed game show after we're married, so I figured I should start studying now."

You were moved by his first two sentences, then you start laughing at his last one. "Are you serious?"

He's laughing, too. "Yes, I'm serious. What's your favorite color?"

"Y/F/C, I guess? What's yours?"

"Yellow. What's your favorite... food?"

"Y/F/F. And I already know yours is anything from Taco Bell."

He laughs. "Okay... what's your favorite song?"

You start to answer honestly, but stop yourself, deciding to make a joke of your own. "Oh, you know this one. It goes like this: "'You... are taking so long... San Francisco.'"

Tyler laughs so hard, he can't breathe.

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