And He's a Surgeon | Neil Melendez

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Summary: Your grandmother is about to have surgery, and she's trying to set you up with her doctor, Doctor Melendez.

QOTP: What do you want to happen in season three?

Word Count: 1270

You're halfway across country for work when your grandpa calls and informs you that your grandmother is about to have her long awaited kidney-pancreas transplant because of her Type 1 diabetes and failing kidneys. Of course, you get on the next flight to San Jose, where your grandparents decided to move after retirement.

You run into the hospital room, exhausted and panicked, in the middle of a conversation they're having with the doctor, who — you have to admit — is pretty good looking.

"Hey, Nana," you say, breathless. You lean down and hug her, then your grandpa.

"This is Doctor Neil Melendez," your grandma says to you. Then, she turns to the doctor. "This is my granddaughter, Y/N. And you know-"

"Here we go," your grandpa mumbles.

"- she's about your age."

You sigh. "Nana-"

She cuts you off. "I'm trying to help you, you know. He's a good-looking young man — and he's a surgeon."

"Nana!" you shout, looking at her incredulously. You can't even bring yourself to look at Doctor Melendez to gauge his reaction.

"Your mother would like him a lot," your grandma says.

You almost roll your eyes. "Good for mom. I don't need help; I'm not looking right now. Especially not when you're about to have surgery."

She relents. "Alright, alright, fine. Just keep it in mind."

"Oh, my gosh," you mumble.

Doctor Melendez simply says, "I'll be back with the anesthesiologist," then walks out. He's probably embarrassed — though not a much as you — and who knows what else.

You start to say something to your grandma, then change your mind and follow Doctor Melendez out. He's about halfway down the hall, walking briskly, so you call out to stop him. "Doctor Melendez!" He stops, then turns and walks back toward you, meeting you halfway. You sigh. "I'm so sorry about her. She does stuff like that all the time."

To surprise, he cracks a small smile. "It's alright; I've heard it a few times before."

"I've heard it a thousand," you say, causing him to laugh. There's a long pause after that, and it's then that it hits you — the operation, what could happen. "Um, before you go..." you start, holding back tears. "Do you... Do you think this will work? That she'll be okay?"

He thinks for a moment. "All surgeries have risks — some more than others — and this is no exception. But... she'll be okay. I promise."

You nod, say a quiet thank you, then head back to your grandmother's room. Meanwhile, Melendez is still standing in the hallway, unaware that Doctor Shaun Murphy heard the whole thing until Shaun says, "You told us never to make promises."

Melendez hesitates. "And I was right, you shouldn't."

"Then why did you just make a promise?"

"Because... I'm an idiot."


The next morning, it's time for your grandmother's surgery. Your parents, who live on the east coast, are still on their way.

"Good morning," Doctor Melendez says, walking in as the anesthesiologist is administering anesthesia to your grandmother.

"Morning," you grandfather replies, though he's noticeably nervous.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now