Preference: Hogsmeade in Winter | Harry Potter

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Doing a Christmas theme all month! Week One!

I love Draco's. And Sirius'.

Summary: Your winter day in Hogsmeade.

QOTP: Have you ever tried butter beer?

Word Count: 2479

Draco -
Draco's... Draco. More serious than not.

I mean, he's not completely stuck up - he jokes around (especially with - or... at - Potter). But, still.

You think he needs to lighten up a bit, especially considering the fact that Harry smiled at you this morning on the way to Hogsmeade and it made him mad.

In an effort to save your Hogsmeade trip, you quickly form a snowball and chuck it at Draco. It hits him in the back of the head and he turns, ready to yell at Potter for that, but then he sees you smirking at him.

"Really? That's the game you wanna play? Alright..."

He forms his own snowball and you run for cover, but it hits you in the back. You dramatically fall to the ground and mimic sounds of agony.

Dean, who was walking by with Seamus and Neville, stops and looks down at you. "You okay, Y/L/N?"

You put a hand on your chest, extending the other to Dean. "I've been hit, Dean! Go on without me! Tell my mother I love her... And-And tell Draco..."

Your voice fades into a whisper, so Dean leans down to hear you.

"He's a twit."

Then, you let your arms fall.

Dean looks over at Draco, who's been standing there almost the entire time, and says, "You're a twit."

You laugh loudly; you're really bad at playing dead. Draco laughs as well and pulls you up as Dean, Seamus, and Neville move on.

He smiles at you, kisses your nose, and grabs your hand. "How about we get some butter beer?"

Fred -
You left George and Lee to walk around by themselves and tried to get into the Shrieking Shack.

"Fred, there's no way in," you complain, after searching for a measly ten minutes.

Fred gives you a pointed look. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to? I happen to know that you can get in through the Whomping Willow."

"How did you find that out?"

"Harry told me."

"And why aren't we going that way?"

"Because it's back at Hogwarts."

He continues to try and pry boards off one of the windows. You sigh heavily and hug him from behind, resting your forehead on his shoulder. "It's cold."

He laughs and turns around in your arms, hugging you back. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. "This isn't helping."

"Well, I guess I'm just a rubbish boyfriend, then."

You laugh and look up at him, snowflakes standing out against his hair and Gryffindor scarf. He smiles down at you. "How about this: We go to the Hog's Head and pretend to be shady."

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