You're Giving Asgard to That? | Thor Odinson

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I have no idea what happened to this, but here it is.

Summary: The scene from AOU where everyone is trying to lift Thor's hammer.

QOTP: Do you think you could lift Thor's hammer?

Word Count: 1122

You're crying with laughter; Tony, Clint, Steve, Bruce, and Rhodey are all trying to lift Thor's hammer.

You and Natasha are sitting back, letting them goof around. You know there's nobody that can lift that hammer but Thor, but watching them try is absolutely hilarious.

"'Whosoever, if he be worthy...' Whatever, man, it's a joke," Clint says, spinning drumsticks around his hands and watching Mjolnir very closely, as if it will tell him the secret to lifting it.

It doesn't.

Thor takes a sip from his small glass. "It is much more than that, my friend," he says. Your boyfriend looks rather nice this evening - Midgardian clothes as opposed to his normal armor.

Clint scoffs. "It's a circus sideshow, and that's it, and you know it."

"I want to be the first to attempt the challenge," Tony says, standing. He looks at Thor. "If I lift it, do I get to rule Asgard?" You dread the image of Tony Stark on Odin's throne. Pepper on Frigga's throne? Not so bad. But Tony...

"Yes, of course," Thor humors Tony. The god has a smug look on his face - he knows Tony can't lift it.

Yet the latter tries anyway. "I will be fair, but firm, and maybe build a statue or two of myself," he says. You scoff, watching him place both hands on the handle. You can see the strain on his face, the veins bulging in his arms, and you laugh.

"Hold on," he says, then he walks off. You know he's getting his suit - a piece of it at least. As you predicted, he comes back with the arm of his suit on one hand. He tries again, but the hammer doesn't budge.

Rhodey helps him, also with the arms of his suit on. Nothing. At this point, you're crying from laughter.

"It won't work," Rhodey huffs.

Tony rolls his eyes, "You think?"

"Aw," you say to Rhodey, feigning disappointment, "I was really looking forward to you dropping that thing in front of Thor and saying, 'BOOM! You lookin' for this?'" That earns you a laugh from just about everybody but Rhodey, who rolls his eyes.

Then Clint tries, and - as you predict and hope for, simply for the hilarity of it - fails. He curses, then sits back down, fiddling with those drumsticks and watching the rest of the spectacle with amusement.

"Now here's a successor," you say when Bruce steps up.

He laughs, "Maybe, if I could Hulk-out in here, which I can't." He tries, and, of course, fails. He jokingly pounds his chest, then pretends to Hulk-out, which makes you and few others chuckle.

Then, Cap tries it. "Come on, Cap," Clint says. You aren't quite certain if he'll be able to lift it or not.

He grips the handle and pulls, straining. The hammer shifts. You steal a glance at Thor, who looks panicked. But, Cap fails. Thor chuckles, shaking his head and his concern off quickly, "Nothing."

"Natasha?" Tony asks.

She's laying down, a beer in her hand. "That's not a question I need answering."

"I've got a simple theory," Tony states, "like a security code. Whoever carries Thor's fingerprint is, I think, the literal translation?"

Thor nods, "Yes, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." He summons Mjlonir to his hand. "You're all not worthy."

"Woah, woah, woah," you say. "Put that thing back down. I wanna try." Thor raises his eyebrows in question, but does as you asked.

You stand, cracking your neck and fingers, then shaking yourself out. "Let's go, Y/N," Steve chides. You make a face at him, then grip the handle and lift the hammer.

However, you didn't expect to be able to wield the thing, so your momentum betrays you, and you fall flat on your butt. Your eyes are wide and your jaw is to the floor.

Tony is, quite frankly, struggling to breathe, Rhodey is exasperated and overall just completely done, Bruce is paralyzed with shock, Natasha chokes on her beer and nearly does a spit-take in Tony's face, and Thor goes from panic to shock to amazement all in a matter of seconds.

As everyone gapes at you, Clint says, "Man, how awkward would that have been if you hadn't been able to lift it?"

You quickly get over your shock and stand up, tossing the weapon from one hand to the other, nearly dropping it once or twice. Then, you begin swinging it, much like a small child at their first t-ball practice. "This is fricken sick!"

Tony looks pointedly at Thor. "You're giving Asgard to that?"

"It would seem so," the god replies, then he looks at you. "You're worthy." He's intrigued and amazed watching you, your face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. He thinks it's adorable.

You hold it in one hand and raise it above your head. "I am Thor, son of Odin, god of Thunder!" Unfortunately, since you aren't actually Thor, there's no cool thunder crack or flash of lightning, so you have to add in your own sound effects.

"This is bull. I call bull!" Rhodey shouts.

Clint scoffs, "He let that happen! Y/N is in on the magic trick!"

Tony nods in agreement, then proceeds to run his mouth, as usual. "He can probably let people wield it! He prevented me from doing so because he feared I would be better at ruling Asgard than him. This is completely biased!" You hold the hammer out to Tony and he grabs it, but as soon as you let it go, it drops to the floor, taking Tony with it.

Thor summons it back to him. "Dude," you say to your boyfriend in realization, "do you think I could do that?"

Steve laughs, "You're drunk with power."

[This is where it gets bad.]

You snort. "And you're drunk with alcohol, Mr. Patriotic Popsicle. I don't want to hear it. Get yo shield and wipe yo tears wit it."

"Get rekted," Tony says to Cap, being the meme that he is.

Cap scoffs, "Shut up, Tony. You couldn't even get it to budge."

"Maybe I'm just a good actor," Tony replies.

Cap stands, leaving only the couch between them. "Or maybe you're just not worthy," he says.

Tony seems genuinely offended. "Or maybe
you're an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot. You're an idiot."

"Old man."


"Wonderful comeback, Cap. Just amazing."

Cap glared at him.

And that, children, is how Civil War started.

                                  The End

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