Whatever You Say, Poppet | Sherlock

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Prompts #2 and #7
Requested by @adefectivedetective

Kind of a trigger warning; a couple parts are like a Criminal Minds episode - serial killer stuff.

Summary: You and Sherlock are close - so close that John thinks there's something there.

QOTP: Moffat or Gatiss?

Word Count: 4140

"One day I'm gonna drop one of these eyeballs in your tea and you won't even notice," you say from the kitchen, having just opened the fridge.

Sherlock, who's sitting in his chair in the lounge and reading the newspaper, chuckles. "I need those for an experiment."

"They've been sitting in there for weeks," you argue, now walking into the lounge carrying a cuppa.

"I know. I can't stand to look at them anymore," John says. He's also reading the newspaper in his chair.

"Yes, well, they're tired of looking at you, too, John," Sherlock says.

You laugh. "That was a good one, Curly."

He frowns at his childhood nickname. "Why, thank you, Four Eyes."

"Hey, that's not funny!" you protest, sitting down on the couch. "I called you Curly because I'm your best friend. Mycroft called me Four Eyes because he was - and still is - a jerk."

Sherlock chuckles and John shakes his head. "Four Eyes? I'm assuming you wore glasses when you were little?"

"Yes," you huff, "and Mycroft was supposed to be a genius, but he couldn't think of anything more creative than that."

Sherlock snorts. "You used to call him Fatty."

"So did you! And I apologized for it! He didn't have the decency to do that."

"It's better than what Eurus used to call you."

You go quiet. John's brows furrow, and he looks between you two. "What?"

"I'd rather not say," you reply simply, looking down into your mug. Sherlock mouths a couple of the nicknames to John, who audibly gasps.

Then, he looks over at you. "Speaking of Eurus, are you ever gonna go visit her with me?"

You look at him incredulously. "No! She tried to drown me once because you wouldn't let her play pirates with us! And then she killed Victor! Scarred me so much I blocked her from my memory after they took her away..."

Sherlock and John both grimace, then it goes quiet for a bit. John decides to break the silence. "Well, anyway... Sherlock, did you, uh, have a nickname for Y/N?"

"What?" Sherlock asks.

"Well, she had one for you..."

He starts to laugh. "I've called her a loser more than once. A ninny. A twit-"

"Are we not gonna talk about those?" you ask, smirking.

"We're talking about childhood, Y/N, not our teenage years," he says, hiding his face in his newspaper.

John turns to you, interested. "What? What are those?"

You're tempted to say, "My Crocs," but you don't. "I could give you a list; I don't need a mind palace to remember them."

"Please don't," Sherlock protests.

You do anyway. "Darling was a popular one. Love. Sweetheart. Oh, and my favorite: Poppet."

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