Preference: Adventures in Babysitting | Supernatural

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Thanks to @ByAFriki for all the votes!

Summary: You babysit with your boyfriend.

QOTP: Do you babysit?

Word Count: 1234

Cas -
Two of your hunter friends from the pre-Winchester era of your life ended up getting married and have kids. Twins, actually. Scarlett and Spencer.

Long story short, you met up again after the fact and now you, they, and the Winchesters go on the more difficult hunts together. Usually demons.

The problem with that is, someone has to watch Scarlett and Spencer. Jodie's done it the last few times, but this time, Claire's going on the hunt, too. Dean pointed out how much they like you, so everyone else said you should watch them.

You made Cas stay with you, considering he has no idea what's going on anyway.

Now, here you are, listening to the shouting erupting from Dean's Fortress of Dean-itude.

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"NO! I'M! NOT!"

Cas sighs. "Why can't they just act like civilized adults?"

You snort. "Because they're children." You don't even know what they're fighting about, but the shouting's been going on for about ten minutes.


"How do we make it stop?" Cas asks with his head on the table.

You shrug. "I dunno. I've never had kids."

He thinks for a few, long minutes. "Human children like ice cream."

You stand. "Sounds like a plan." Once you reach the mouth of the hallway, you shout, "SCARLETT! SPENCER!"



You hear excited shouts, a few angry ones (i.e. "STOP PUSHING ME!"), and footsteps like a hoard of elephants.

You sigh. "I'm gonna be a great mom."

Dean -
Your not-hunter sister had a baby eight months ago, and, after some persuasion on your part, decided to take a quiet with her husband and let you babysit.

You love your nephew. A lot.

But you're starting to realize why your sister needed a break.

"Please stop crying, Peter," you beg. "Your diaper is cleaned, I just fed and burped you, and I've given you your binky and teething ring. What more do you want?"

The baby only cries harder in response.

"DEAN, HELP!" you shout, exasperated.

Dean runs in the room, armed and freaked out. "WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!"

"The baby won't stop crying," you say, bouncing gently with said baby in your arms.

Dean sighs and tucks his gun back in his waistband. "You know, I thought something was in here killing you."

"My back is killing me," you shoot back, holding Peter out. "Hold him for a second. I'm gonna go look in his diaper bag for a toy or something."

Dean hesitantly takes Peter. "Don't poop on me, kid, and we'll get along just fine."

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