Dust | Peter Parker

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Part 2 of Pretty Girls and Movie Quotes
Requested by Hufflepuff_Girl_14


Summary: You and Peter are dating now and you know about Spiderman.

QOTP: On a scale of Homecoming to Infinity War, how much did this imagine make you cry?

Word Count: 2189

"What's your favorite movie?" Peter asks out of the blue. You're cuddled up on his couch, watching Lilo and Stitch. May isn't home (and neither is your mom).

You look up at him. "I don't know. It's hard to choose. What's yours?"

He thinks for a few moments. "The Notebook."

You want to burst out laughing, and you do when you see the amused expression on his face. "You've never ever seen it, have you?"

"Nope," he says, "but I bet it has some really romantic movie quotes."

It's been three months since you've started dating and summer is fast approaching. You, Peter, Ned, and Michelle have been talking about taking a trip; in about four months, you'll be seniors.

"I think Gone With the Wind has some good ones," you say, still smiling about how he confessed his feelings for you.

Peter smiles, too. "'Frankly, my dear, I don't-'" He's interrupted by a knock at the door. He looks at you, slightly confused; he wasn't expecting anybody. As he gets up to answer it, you pause the movie, then turn when you hear the door open.

"Hey, Underoos," says Tony Stark with a flash of a smile. Your mouth is hanging open, and neither you or Peter can respond. Tony glances over and notices you. "Oh, hi! Uh, I need to talk to Peter about the internship, so-"

"She knows," Peter says.

Tony looks at him, then back at you, then back to Peter again. "Hold on a second, who is she?"

"Y/N," you manage. "I'm Y/N... Mr. Stark..."

Peter smiles a little. "She's my girlfriend."

Tony looks betrayed. "What?! For how long?! You never told me!"

Peter looks sheepish. "Four months..."

"Four months! I can't believe you didn't tell me. Listen, Parker, you're gonna have to be more honest with me if you want to keep that invitation to my wedding."

"Hold on," you say, holding your hands up. "Can we just address something? You called him Underoos when he answered the door and that's probably the best thing I've ever heard. I've been calling him Spiderboy for, like, three months, and that's so much better."

Tony turns from you and back to Peter. "I like her. So you're forgiven. For now."

Peter sighs. "Why are you here, Mr. Stark?"

Tony walks in the apartment and closes the door behind him. "Right. That... I've got an assignment for you-"

Peter's face lights up. "A Spiderman assignment?!"

"Yes, a Spiderboy assignment," Tony says. You laugh and he stops, glancing at you and then smiling apologetically. "I know you're the girlfriend and all, but this is kind of top secret stuff-"

You stand, walking over to him and Peter. "Oh, yeah, of course."

You kiss Peter's cheek and go to open to the door, but Peter stops you. "Wait... She should know, Mr. Stark - especially if I'm going somewhere for a while. I-I'd wanna know if our roles were flipped."

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now