Secrets | Tenth Doctor

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Requested by @alexthelion10

Also shoutout to @familyfun24 because you voted a ton; thank you!

Summary: You find out about a few of the Doctor's secrets.

QOTP: Who's your favorite Tenth Doctor companion?

Word Count: 1213

You got back from a trip yesterday. Due to the fact that you nearly died on that trip, you just want to relax for a day or so. That, and you want to explore the TARDIS.

You leave the Doctor in the console room and wander off, knowing full and well that it may not be the best idea. Curiosity did kill the cat.

Still, you head off, running down hallways and into rooms, exploring what ever the TARDIS happens to present to you.


The TARDIS is not happy. She's actually quite upset.

When the Doctor gets a new companion, she finds it difficult to warm up to them, but she does eventually. It may take a while, depending, but if the Doctor is happy, she usually is too.

Except for this time.

She's noticed a change in the Doctor - a good one. And she's also noticed it's because of his new companion. Normally, she would be a bit jealous, but she just can't bring herself to feel that way this time.

She likes the new companion.

She can tell the Doctor does, too.

But how is this relationship supposed to blossom when secrets are being kept?


The Doctor is working on the console; a few screws loose. Nothing that can't be fixed. As he does this, he's explaining how complicated time is to his companion, Y/N.

They met when a fleet of Sontarans attacked Earth. It was a small problem, especially because he had help. But it resulted in a new companion.

And he was happy.

He is happy.

Finally, after losing Rose, he's happy again. He'd dare to say he's moved on. Almost. The point is, he's getting better.

And he knows why.

For this reason, he's been lying - though he prefers to call it "twisting the truth". He hasn't come clean about what happened in his past. When the question comes up, he changes the subject. Because if he comes clean, he'll be left alone. He's sure of it.

And he can't let that happen.

Y/N is the best thing that's happened to him since he found Rose.

He's falling, he's sure of it.

He can't lose this. He couldn't bear it.

So he keeps his secrets close.

He looks up when he's finished speaking.

Y/N is gone.


After exploring for about fifteen minutes, you come to the library. It's spacious, but still full of massive shelves, which in turn are filled with a plethora of books.

Some books that haven't even been written yet, most likely. Curiously you walk over and skim the shelves.

Suddenly, the whole room tilts, just enough to send you gently sliding to the other side. Then, it tilts to your left until you slide into more shelves. A few books fall to the floor, one of them at your feet.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now