I Could Try Burning Myself Alive | Leo Valdez

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Summary: The story of your friendship/relationship with Leo Valdez.

QOTP: Do you ship Leo and Calypso?

Word Count: 1512

Leo Valdez is, without a doubt, your best friend.

You came to camp shortly after the infamous Percy Jackson did. You were friends with Annabeth, therefore you also became friends with Luke, Percy, Grover, Beckendorf, Tyson, Thalia, Nico, Bianca, and Rachel when she came as the new Oracle.

When Percy went missing, you helped Annabeth and Butch look for him, so you were at the Grand Canyon.

When you saw Valdez, you were instantly curious. His curls, elfish features, and smile just drew you in. He was funny, too. Adorable, even.

"Hey, babe," he said, smirking.

You laughed, "Hi."

"I'm Leo."


"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? 'Cau-"

"No, but it burned when I crawled up from Hell."

The tips of his ears and his cheeks went pink, causing you, Piper, and Jason to laugh.

You helped out the seven during the quest to stop Gaea and grew closer to Leo. So much so that he opened up to you about his past. He did not, however, tell you about his plan to defeat Gaea ("in, like, forty seconds").

You mourned his death. You cried and made sure he got a proper funeral (as proper as it could be without a body) because you knew he had no close family that would do it.

[spoilers for The Hidden Oracle!!!]

When he sent that message back, you could've killed him. You wanted to do to him what John did to Sherlock when he faked his death, but worse.

And it didn't take Sherlock to guess that you had fallen in love with Leo Valdez.

The week he came back was a bad one; your father, Apollo, fell from Olympus as a human. That wasn't necessarily the bad part - you thought he deserved it.

The bad part was that he had to stay in your cabin.

To put it lightly, you despised your father. He was never there for you; he abandoned you and your mother, who loved him so deeply. You couldn't understand why Will, Austin, and Kayla wanted to help him - he never did anything for them.

(Some may have argued that he gave you your talents - music, healing, archery - but you knew that if he had to physically give those "gifts" to you, he wouldn't have.)

You had a fight with your half-brother, Will, when you all thought Apollo was asleep; he wasn't, and he heard the whole thing.

"Y/N, please. He needs our help. He needs your help," Will pleaded quietly, trying not to wake Apollo.

You were shouting, which hurt Kayla's and Austin's ears. "And I needed his help, and guess who wasn't there?!"

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