The Christmas Present | Sherlock Holmes

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Summary: Sherlock doesn't know what to get you for Christmas, and he's freaking out. But what he doesn't know is that you're in the exact same boat...

QOTP: What did you ask for this year?

Word Count: 4048

It's a quiet, cozy day in 221B Baker Street. You're, of course, not in your own apartment, but your boyfriend's. Snow is falling outside the window, and there's a warm mug of tea in your hands.

Sherlock's making his own tea in the kitchen, as he realized no one else was going to make it for him. Then, clad in his blue robe and pajamas, he comes and sits down next to you on the couch.

You're still looking out the window, but you scoot closer to him when he sits down. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, holding his tea with his free hand. John, who's in his chair with Rosie on his lap, shakes his head and smiles. It still warms his heart to see Sherlock being all lovey-dovey.

He's changed a lot since they first met.

"I do hope you don't plan on going out today," Sherlock says after taking a sip of his tea. "It's going to be cold. And the roads will be a mess."

You look over at him, finally. "I've got to; I have Christmas gifts to buy."

"Still?" John asks before Sherlock can reply.

"Yeah," you sigh. "Some people are hard to buy for."

"And by 'some people' you mean Sherlock?" John says, brows raised.

You're thinking 'yes', but you say, "Oh, no, I've already got him something."

Sherlock immediately panics, but he doesn't outwardly show it. "And, of course, I've already got you something." He drinks his tea, knowing full and well that he just lied through his teeth.

"Oh, really?" you reply, panicking as well. You drink your tea, too, but it's hard to swallow.

"Yes, really," Sherlock says. "And you're going to love it." At least, he really, really hopes so. Once he figures out what it is...

"Well, you're going to love mine even more," you reply, wondering why you do the things that you do. You start to feel guilty just sitting there, so you add, "And I want other people to love their gifts, too, so I need to go out and buy them."

You kiss Sherlock before getting off the couch, then say goodbye to John and Rosie and go down to your apartment to change.

Sherlock, meanwhile, waits until you're downstairs, then looks at John. "I haven't bought her gift yet."

John's brows furrow. "But you just said-"

"I lied," Sherlock interrupts. "I have no idea what to get her; everything I can think of isn't good enough."

"Christmas is just a week away, Sherlock," John says. "You've got to figure this out."

"I need help!" Sherlock replies. "What do you think she'd like?"

"You're her boyfriend; you should know better than I do."

"But you have experience with relationships, and I don't."

John sighs, bouncing Rosie gently on his knee. "Maybe something sentimental, then? Something that means something to the both of you?"

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