Georgie | George Weasley

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It's super long and Cedric is a Keeper in this.

Summary: You fall in love with George Weasley.

QOTP: What's your Quidditch position?

Word Count: 5063

"Platform 9 3/4?" your dad says, completely confused. You're standing near platform ten, your trunk and school supplies on a cart in front of you. It took you ages to find it all.

Your mom looks down at platform ten and sighs. "There just isn't a platform 9 3/4."

You look around and see another boy wearing glasses with a trunk and an owl, who also looks lost. Not bothering to say anything to your parents, you walk over to him. "Excuse me?"

He turns. "Yes?"

"Are you going to Hogwarts, too?" you ask. He nods, so you continue. "Do you know where platform 9 3/4 is?"

"No, I can't find it." He looks around and sees a family with ginger hair. The mother says something, but you don't hear what it is. The boy does, though. "I think she just said Hogwarts."

You run over to her, ignoring your parents shouting at you to come back. They have no choice but to follow you, your cart in tow.

"Excuse me," you say to the mother, "are you going to Hogwarts?"

The mother explains that yes, her children are, and that you have to run through the barrier between platforms nine and ten to get to 9 3/4. She also mentions that her son, Ron Weasley, is a first year, too, and her other three children that are going to school are already on the platform.

You run through the barrier after your Muggle parents thank Mrs. Weasley and tell you goodbye. Then, you board the train, following Ron and the boy from before who still hasn't told you his name.

The three of you find a compartment and sit down. Ron smiles. "I'm Ron Weasley. What about you lot?"

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter," the boy says.

Ron's eyes widen. "No way! Really?!" This sparks a short conversation about Harry's lightning scar on his forehead, which he got from not being killed by an evil wizard - You-Know-Who. Finally, Ron turns to you. "What's your name?"

"Y/N Y/L/N."

"Are you a Muggleborn?"

"I guess so..."

"That's quite alright, then. I can tell you anything you need to know." He looks proud of himself, and you're about to ask him something when two identical boys peek in the compartment.

"Here's our little first year!" one says. Judging from the hair and the fact that he was looking at Ron, you conclude that he and his twin are Weasleys.

The other boy smiles. "Made some new friends, have you?"

"I have," Ron says sassily. "That's Harry Potter, and this is Y/N Y/L/N."

"Harry Potter," the first boy says, amazed.

"Well, I'll be..." the other trails off.

Then, they turn to you. One holds his hand out. "Hello - Y/N, was it? I'm Fred."

You go to shake his hand, but the other boy lightly shoves him. "No, you're not. I'm Fred."

"Well, I'm not George," 'Fred' says, crossing his arms.

The other boy crosses his arms as well. "Neither am I."

You look on, bemused, then Ron sighs. "Just tell her your names and get on with it."

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