Pick-Up Lines | Spencer Reid

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Summary: You find out Spencer likes you, so you use pick-up lines on him.

QOTP: What's your favorite Spencer Reid quote?

Word Count: 888

You're the newest member of the team, but it didn't take long for you to get comfortable with everybody.

Hotch is your boss, but your stupid puns cause him to crack a smile sometimes. Rossi is like a fun, slightly irresponsible uncle. Garcia is your best friend. Morgan is like your older brother; when you're not annoying each other, you're annoying everyone else. Prentiss is someone you can always talk to. And JJ is like a sister.

But Reid.

Oh, Spencer Reid.

He likes you. Head over heels the second you walked in the door. You have to admit, he's cute. And definitely fun to tease...


One day you don't have a case. You're all just catching up on paperwork, so it's a slow day.

You get up to grab yourself a coffee, noticing Spencer and Rossi had the same idea.

"You like her," Rossi says, causing you to stop.

Spencer scoffs. "No, I don't. We're just friends. That's all." Rossi looks at him pointedly for a while, but Spencer doesn't relent.

"You have to tell her," he finally says.

Spencer laughs. "Yeah, because Y/N is definitely going to like me back and this isn't going to ruin our friendship at all. Besides, we aren't allowed to have relations with other people on the team."

"Spencer, I am the reason that rule exists."

"Still not a good idea."

As Rossi heads back to his desk, he winks at you.

And that, ladies and gents, is when the pick-up lines begin.


"Hey, Spencarooni," you say, sitting on his desk.

He jumps a bit at your sudden appearance. "Oh, uh...hey."

Morgan looks up from his computer, a small smirk on his lips. Prentiss looks over at him, both of them totally aware that Spencer likes you.

"I see that you're done with your paperwork," you comment.

"Nearly, yes," he replies.

You nod. "Cool, cool... Hey, I've got a question."


"Are you a drug dealer?"

"What? No."

"Because you're dope."

"Wha- oh, I get it. Uh... thanks."


As Spencer is helping out Prentiss with her heaps of paperwork, you walk over again.

"Hey, Reid-o, did you die recently?"


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