Where Are We? | Martin

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Requested by @Killer_Elite_SquadX

Summary: You, Amanda, and Vogel break the Rowdy 3 out of Blackwing.

QOTP: Martin or Cross?

Word Count: 4341

When Blackwing came after you, you were terrified.

They wanted the Rowdy 3: Vogel, Cross, Gripps, and Martin, your boyfriend. You wanted to run out there, despite your terror, and give them a piece of your mind; they treated the Rowdy 3 horribly based on what they told you, and you were not about to let them take your boys again.

Amanda Brotzmann, however, held you back.

You, her, and Vogel managed to evade capture, and now you're on the run, looking for the rest of the Rowdy 3 through Amanda's visions. The visions are usually triggered by loud, abrupt things - scary things - so you and Vogel typically take turns hitting a golf club against stuff, as well as a few other things.

Well, Amanda's used to all that now; the visions are too short and unhelpful. So, you're trying to be scarier.

"Sorry I'm not scary enough, boss... I could get, like, way scarier! I could be like a... goblin!" Vogel shouts, hoping against all hope to impress and/or help Amanda. To find his friends.

Amanda shakes her head. "You're fine. You're super scary." She looks at you. "Got anything?"

You shrug. "I'm not particularly scary on command. Someone would have to be in danger - like, immediate danger."

Amanda sighs, pauses. You hear a train whistle in the distance and she stops. "You wanna try something crazy?" Vogel jumps up and down excitedly. You're just worried.

Amanda jumps up and starts running off, leaving you and Vogel to follow. When she reaches train tracks, she lies down on them, parallel to the rails. "Uh, maybe we should not do this," you suggest.

Vogel nods. "Yeah, and we can go back to the car and, like, listen to music or something."

Amanda looks up at the both of you. "Guys, I need you to be chill, okay? I saw a train in my last vision."

"Okay," Vogel says, though he's not happy about it.

"Amanda-" you attempt to argue.

"I know that this is crazy, and you're worried, but every vision has led us to the next, and that's all led us to this, okay?"

A train whistles blares in the distance.

"Okay, yeah, but maybe-"

The train speeds over her as you hold your breath and Vogel screams until it passes. When it's gone, Amanda sits up, screaming.

She's having an attack.

"It worked!" Vogel shouts, then starts to feed on her energy; it's essential for her to actually have a vision instead of just an attack.

You crouch down next to her. "You okay?"

She's silent for a moment, then she smiles. "I know where to go."


For some reason, you're letting Vogel drive.

Imagines and Preferences: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now