I Want You | Tenth Doctor

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Requested by @Hufflepuff_Girl_13 (Hope you like it; I changed it a bit.)

Also, shout out to @Warriors11223 and @Tenochan for the votes!

Summary: Spoilers!

QOTP: Which episode of Doctor Who made you cry the most?

Word Count: 1098

You're not sure how you got into this situation. Everything was fine; you were in the future, exploring, laughing, trying to figure out the new technology. He was telling stupid jokes.

And then suddenly he was gone. The Doctor. He left you, just walked away. And then all you could see was black.

You woke up unable to move. Now, you're in a panic, trying to figure out where you are, where the Doctor is. Waiting for him to save you like he always does when you can't save yourself.

Even though you can't move, you can still feel; and you're in a pain. Agonizing pain. You silently pray over and over again for the Doctor to get there. To save you. From what, you don't know.

It's silent in the room, only a few odd noises here and there. But it's otherwise quiet. The minutes stretch as you wait for the Doctor, hoping against all hope that he'll find you.

And he does. You see him come around the corner, appear in the doorway in front of you. He doesn't seem concerned at all. He walks towards you calmly. You're unable to speak, but you plead with your eyes for him to help you.

Instead, he walks out of your field of view and comes back with a mirror. He holds it up in front of you and tilts it down so you can see the gaping wound in your stomach. Your eyes flick back up to him, filled with tears. He smiles.

"I'm not who you thought I was," he says. Your vision starts to go as you vainly hope it's all a bad dream. That it's not real. He wouldn't let you die. He'd never.

But it is real. And he is.

"I don't know what to say," he says, pulling up a chair. "Sorry? But I can't say that; I'm not. You were so... annoying. Oblivious. Naïve. You should've known, Y/N, that it would always end up this way. I'm too good to be true, aren't I?"

He pauses, chuckling, "reminiscing" on your travels. "No, you were... awful. Incredibly incompetent - I'm surprised I didn't do this sooner. I mean you did realize I never wanted you, right? Who would?"

He sighs. "Nope, never wanted you. Practically hate you, in fact. I mean, not necessarily at first - that was just dislike - but after a while..." He shutters.

The tears start pouring and you try to rationalize that it's all a trick. It's not really him. But... it is. His mannerisms, his voice... It has to be him.

But why?

You wish you could ask, but even if you could, it's too late. You're too far gone.

The last thing you hear is the Doctor laughing and a door shutting behind him.


The Doctor's not sure how he got into this situation. Everything was fine; you were in the future, exploring, laughing, trying to figure out the new technology. He was telling stupid jokes.

He left for just a second to ask where the fanciest restaurant was; he was going to take you and tell you everything - his past, how he feels about you. And then it all went black.

He woke up in chains. All alone in a dark room, the only thing in front of him a TV. Now, he's in a panic, trying to figure out where you are, where he is. Waiting for an opportunity to get away. Or for you to save him. Though, he's found, usually, they take the companions first.

It's silent in the room, only a few odd noises here and there. But it's otherwise quiet. The minutes stretch as he waits for something to happen.

And something does. The TV turns on. He sees you sitting on the floor of a dirty room, propped up against a crate and unmoving - apart from your eyes - with a gaping wound in your stomach. "(Y/N)!" he shouts, pulling at his chains.

Then, he sees himself appear in the doorway in front of you. The other him doesn't seem concerned at all. He walks towards you calmly. You don't speak.

He watches the other Doctor walk towards a table and pick up a mirror. He holds it up in front of you and tilts it down so you can see the gaping wound in your stomach. The Doctor sees your tear-filled eyes look up at the fake him. The other Doctor only smiles.

"NO! STOP THIS! I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!" he pleads. No one answers.

"I'm not who you thought I was," the other Doctor says.

The real Doctor pulls on his restraints. "BUT I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU! EVERYTHING! HE'S WRONG! I WOULDN'T DO THIS!"

It's not real. He wouldn't let you die. He'd never. You have to know that.

But, by the look in your eyes, he can tell that you don't.

"I don't know what to say," the other Doctor says, pulling up a chair. "Sorry? But I can't say that; I'm not. You were so... annoying -"

"- FAR FROM IT!" the Doctor shouts.

"- Oblivious. -"

"- NO! -"

"- Naïve. -"


The other Doctor continues. "You should've known, Y/N, that it would always end up this way. I'm too good to be true, aren't I? -" he pauses to chuckle "- No, you were... awful. I'm surprised I didn't do this sooner. I mean, you did realize, I never wanted you, right? Who would?"

The real Doctor frantically pulls on his restraints again. "THAT'S NOT TRUE! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED YOU! I DO! I WANT YOU! PLEASE, Y/N, DON'T LISTEN TO HIM! PLEASE!"

The other Doctor sighs. "Nope, never wanted you. Hate you, in fact. I mean, not necessarily at first - that was just dislike - but after a while..." The other Doctor shutters.

The real Doctor sees the tears start pouring out of your eyes as he sobs, unable to do anything. Unable to save you. Unable to tell you everything he's never said. He knows you believe the other Doctor.

He watches as you take your last breath and the other Doctor laughs as he leaves the room.

"NO!" he screams. "NO! THAT'S WASN'T REAL! THAT WASN'T ME! I-" His voice breaks and he begins to sob, pleading with nobody. "Please, Y/N. Please. Come back. D-Don't believe him. I want you. I always have. I... I want you."

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