Love Potion | Dean Winchester

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Creds to the idoot for the idea for a certain part I am not spoiling bc it's funny.

Summary: Based off this post:

QOTP: Do you think Dean was Ben's biological father?

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QOTP: Do you think Dean was Ben's biological father?

Word Count: 2211

It's almost noon, and you, Sam, and Rowena are sitting in the bunker library eating lunch when Dean finally comes home.

"Where have you been?" Sam asks, a knowing expression on his face. You look up from your book at Dean, who's wearing the same clothes he left in last night and his signature smirk. You sigh, the answer already obvious. He reaches the table and winks at you, taking a couple of your fries.

You bat his hand away. "Don't touch my food; I don't know where your hands have been."

"Yeah, you do," he says, smirking once again. You roll your eyes as he stalks off, announcing his plans for a shower.

"And how many nights is that this week?" Rowena asks. Your favorite ginger witch (that is, the only one you know) is present because you owe her and other witches are currently out to get her. She was vague about the details.

You snort in response to her question. "Three? Four? He's the only one whose counting anymore."

"You're counting, too, Dr. Seuss," Sam says, raising his eyebrows.

You roll your eyes so hard, you almost pull a muscle. "I have no reason to count, Sam. Give it a rest - I was fourteen."

"Still had a crush on him, though," Sam mutters.

You're used to this one-night-stand behavior from Dean; you've been hunting with the Winchesters since you were kids. John and your parents hunted together often, and after your parents died when you were in your twenties, you started hunting with them permanently.

And, yes, you had a crush on him when you were fourteen and you told Sam. But, it's safe to say, you're over it by now...

After a few minutes, you hear the shower running and shake your head, thinking about Dean. Rowena hums to herself, sitting back in her chair. Sam glances over at her. "What?"

"Me? Oh, nothing. Just wondering," she says, resting her chin on her hand. "What would he be like if he was actually in love?"

"Where did that come from?" you ask, closing your book, this topic piquing your interest.

She shrugs. "Well, he's got all these meaningless, physical things going on... What would it be like if he actually cared about somebody?"

"We already know," Sam says. "Y/N."

"Sam-" you start.

He shakes his head, pointing a fry at you. "You may be over him, but he's not over you. He's liked you since the third grade."

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