Promises | Fred Weasley

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Of course, the idoot helped. DJ_Tatortot There's your credit.

Summary: You fall in love with Fred Weasley. Then the Battle of Hogwarts happens...

(A part is based on this post:)

QOTP: Who do you ship Fred with?

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QOTP: Who do you ship Fred with?

Word Count: 2501

Your fifth year at Hogwarts - two other schools are here to compete in a death tournament where the competitors are chosen by a magic goblet, and you really don't wanna write that essay for Snape. A normal year, really.

It gets even more normal when you're knocked down by a running boy with ginger hair, another ginger boy having run by a second before. He's already gone, but the boy that knocked you over runs back and helps you up. "So sorry. I'll make it up to you later; I'm running from Filch right now." Then, he takes off again, racing around the corridor calling, "George! Wait up!"

Ginger, George, and running away from Filch, you think. The Weasley twins.


The next day, you're sitting peacefully at breakfast when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn, finding the boy from yesterday standing behind you. "Fred Weasley?" you ask. "Here to 'make it up to me'?"

His brows furrow. "How did you know it was me and not George?"

"Just guessed."

He chuckles. "Well, anyway, I figured out a way to make it up to you. Tomorrow at lunch, I'll come find you."

You look at him suspiciously. "Alright... Name's Y/N Y/L/N, by the way."

He grins. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."


The next day at lunch, you impatiently wait for Fred to come find you; you're curious as to what he's going to do.

Finally, he taps on your shoulder. You turn and find him with his brother, George. "Watch this," he says, pointing to McGonagall, whose making her way to the staff table. George runs over to her, and you and Fred watch and listen.

"Hello, Maggie. Lovely afternoon, isn't it?" George asks politely.

McGonagall stops walking and looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "What do you want, Mr. Weasley?"

George pretends to be nervous, shuffling his feet and looking at the floor. "Well, the Yule Ball is coming up and I was wondering if you'd go with me?"

Before she can respond, Fred shows up, feigning anger. You glance behind you, having not noticed him leave, and turn back around quick when you hear him shout, "YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL, HOW COULD YOU?!"

McGonagall looks taken aback, also having not noticed Fred due to the shock of being asked out by George, who is "fuming". "I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO ASK HER!"

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